King’s Wrath

King’s Wrath by Fiona McIntosh Page A

Book: King’s Wrath by Fiona McIntosh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McIntosh
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Epic
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murmured. ‘Piven was supposed to be an orphan that my parents took pity on. It was true they doted upon him but —’
    ‘Another purposeful secret, no doubt,’ Gavriel interrupted bitterly.
    ‘They doted on him, your majesty, because he was their true son, as you were. The Legate is right. Piven’s lack of genuine royal status as far as the barbarians were concerned is what saved him — that and Loethar’s genuine fondness for the boy.’
    ‘Are you serious?’
    ‘About what, highness? Piven’s legality or Loethar’s fondness?’ He shrugged. ‘Loethar liked Piven but if he’d known his true heritage, he would have been put to the sword, I can assure you ofthat. And Piven
Valisar. Don’t doubt it. He has successfully trammelled Greven. He hacked off Greven’s hand, cooked it and ate some and instantly Greven fell under his control.’
    Gavriel listened in silent revulsion. But while Leo’s mouth twisted at the mention of the brutality, Gavriel could see the king’s fascination had only deepened.
    ‘And you know it worked?’
    Ravan shrugged. ‘All too well. Greven is being commanded against his will. He slaughtered Clovis, who was unarmed, and he threw Sergius off a cliff.’
    ‘But Greven is an old man,’ Gavriel said, desperate to discredit the tale.
    Ravan shook his head. ‘The Valisar Legacy has made him incredibly strong. Piven is untouchable, and his arrogance and confidence continue to heighten.’
    ‘Where is he?’
    ‘We dared not give chase. We needed to find you, your highness, to warn you that he wants to kill you.’
    ‘Why?’ Leo looked aghast. ‘I’m his brother. We are both Valisar.’
    ‘He hates you for leaving him at the palace.’
    ‘Leaving him?’ Leo sounded shocked. ‘I … but I had no choice.’
    ‘He doesn’t care,’ Ravan said. ‘He is suffused by a madness — revenge. He plans to kill both you and Loethar.’
    ‘Where do you think he’ll go first?’ Gavriel asked. ‘Does he know where Leo is?’
    Ravan shook his head. ‘I don’t believe so, although I’m guessing, my lord. The palace, I imagine, will lure him. He intends to rule.’
    Gavriel sighed. ‘Well,’ he said into the tense silence, ‘he’s not going to find us here tonight. I don’t know about everyone else but I need to sleep and ponder all of today’s events. You are both welcome to stay here — in safety — and tomorrow morning wecan discuss the best course of action. Is that all right, your majesty?’
    Leo’s lips thinned but he nodded. ‘Fine. I suppose we can’t achieve much right now anyway. And I do feel strangely exhausted. Too much to think about probably.’
    ‘Well, you get some rest. I’ll take first watch.’
    Leo stood and stretched. ‘There are things I want to think over. I will want to speak with you at first light, Ravan. You and the boy.’
    ‘I’m up with the birds, highness,’ Ravan quipped, but no one smiled.

    Ravan and Roddy appreciated the blankets that Gavriel found for them but they preferred to sleep in the open, well away from the awning of timber that the king had retired beneath. The night had become so still that only an owl hooting somewhere deep in the distance was a giveaway that another living creature was awake.
    ‘I’m too frightened to sleep,’ Roddy admitted in the tiniest of whispers.
    ‘He won’t come after you tonight. I promise. Besides, I won’t let anyone touch you.’
    ‘Does he suspect?’
    ‘I don’t know. He clearly wasn’t feeling entirely well but he also wasn’t registering the presence of your magic. If you could hurl fireballs, or possessed the strength of ten men, or even if you could run as fast as I you might be more tempting. Being Vested doesn’t mean that you are an aegis, Roddy. What’s more, if you were one, surely the king would have known it immediately.’
    ‘Don’t forget Greven lived alongside Piven all that time. And this Kilt Faris they speak about had been living with the king for

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