Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
somewhere to escape to. “Leave me alone Alexis”, she sobbed, her eyes once more filling with tears.  Diona looked on in complete shock, as the man grabbed her sister, pulling her against him, his eyes filling with tears also.
    “I thought I would never find you”, he told her, his voice tortured as he kissed her head, his arms holding her tight to him. “I’ve been searching for you since we spoke.  I am sorry Daryle. I had to know for sure”, he groaned, completely oblivious to everybody else around him, as his eyes sought out those of the young woman in his arms.  “I love you, I love you so much”, he was moaning, as Daryle looked back at him, her eyes open wide with such emotions running through them.
    As they stared into each other ’s eyes, another voice rang out like a shot.  “Alexis”  This voice was hard and angry, “What the hell are you doing?”  Diona turned to see Nikias, his face alive with barely controlled rage as he glared at his brother.  Alexis looked over at him, his eyes pleading.  “You are wrong about her Nikias”, he said softly, “So wrong…and I love her… and if she will still have me I am going to marry her”, he said looking back down at Daryle, who was staring back at him in complete stunned shock.
    “Will you marry me Daryle?”, he asked, his face showing such devotion, as with a small sob she nodded her head, before Alexis lifted her high in the air happily, as he kissed her, the two of them laughing and smiling in each other’s arms.
    Diona turned to Nikias, seeing the coldness enter his eyes as he watched the scene, before he turned on her.  “You…you organised this.  No wonder you didn’t want to use my plane, how else could you have arranged this little reunion?”, he cried.  His eyes were angry daggers as he glared at her.  “I thought you were different, Diona, God no wonder you’ve been so nervous”, he continued, “But you really are a devious money grabbing little bitch”
    Diona stood back, her face showing the shock of his words, as she fought back the tears as she bit back at him.  “How dare you Nikias.  I didn’t organise anything.  All this...”, she waved her arms around, “Is your doing”  She watched the contempt filling his eyes as he spoken at her in Greek, words she had not understood, but which made his brother gasp. As he opened his mouth, Nikias turned on him, throwing words at him like a whip, fast and stinging as they landed on him before he once more looked down at Diona.
    “Well enjoy your little victory, because you won’t be seeing a penny.  From now on you are on your own Alexis”, he said with a cold look in his eyes glaring at his brother. “I don’t think you are going to enjoy being penniless”, he finished, before he turned on his heels, moving angrily out of the airport, his whole body stiff, as people instinctively moved out of his way.  Diona watched him go, feeling tears prickling at the back of her eyes, as she felt something tearing so deep within her.
    She felt Daryle move over to her, her arms moving around her shoulders.  “I’m so sorry Diona”, she said gently, as her sister pushed down the tears, forcing a smile to her face.  “I’m fine”, she said turning to Alexis, who was looking at the two women in surprise, not sure what was going on, seeing only his brother leaving.
    “So you’re Alexis”, she said softly, “It’s nice to meet you”.  She held out her hand, as he took it.  He looked like a slightly shorter, less imposing version of his brother.  The same good looks, but with a more easy-going nature she thought.  “Break my sister’s heart Mr Dranias”, she said, “And I will hunt you down and make you pay”  Alexis smiled warmly at her.  “I don’t ever intend to hurt your sister”, he said before once more turning his attention to the woman beside him as he smiled at her, his face so full of love.
    Alexis had, it transpired, already purchased a

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