Keeping You Forever (A Harbor Love Series)

Keeping You Forever (A Harbor Love Series) by Jaclyn Marulanda Page B

Book: Keeping You Forever (A Harbor Love Series) by Jaclyn Marulanda Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaclyn Marulanda
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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His clothes were soaked and he was freezing but none of that mattered at the moment. Seeing her and telling her how he felt was all he cared about. Her car wasn’t at the house when he pulled up and his heart dropped. She wasn’t at the two places Paige she said would be. He started to worry because the storm picked up and was only getting worse.
     “Did you find her,” Paige shouted over the rain from the door step.
     “No I checked the harbor and down by the shore line she isn’t there. Where is she Paige I need to know?”
     “I don’t know those are the only two places I can think of!  I called Autumn at work and she suggested the same two spots. I am worried now, where could she be. What if something happened to her? You know her car isn’t the best and in weather like this…”
    “Don’t even think about that right now please. She has to be somewhere! She couldn’t have gone that far.”
     “My sister knows this town like the back of her hand. She could be anywhere Tyler. The storm is getting worse I am really getting worried. What if she is hurt somewhere and needs help. Why didn’t she just stay here and talk to me? Why did she have to leave and run off the way she did?”
     “I’ll find her. I don’t care if I have to drive all day and night, I’ll find her. She has to be ok Paige. If something happened to her… because of me…. I don’t even want to think about that.”
    “I don’t think it’s smart for both of you to be out in this storm. What if she comes back and you are still out looking for her?”
    “I can’t just sit around here waiting for her to come back. I need to find her and tell her everything.” He was getting in his car before she had time to tell him it was a bad idea. It was raining harder now, and he could barely see a few feet in front of him. In this rain her car didn’t stand a chance. It was old, needed new tires and wasn’t very reliable to start when she needed it to get her to work. It this kind of weather she would either pull over and wait it out, or not go out if she could avoid it at all cost. Right now she wasn’t home and Tyler hoped she was somewhere safe on the side of the road waiting it out.
      The rain continued to come down with no signs of letting up. Grace sat in the back of the diner listening to the hammering of the rain coming down on the roof, as the memoires of Tyler kissing his fiancé came rushing back into her mind with every passing second. She was soaked, but the cold wet clothes against her body didn’t faze her. She felt numb as she sat their staring out of the window into the evening skies, mesmerized at the falling rain as it hit the street leaving puddles and thrumming on the window.  “Let this be a lesson for you and stick to your plan of lonely nights and lots of cats,” she thought to herself as she sat back in the booth picking at her peach cobbler.
    “Do you need anything else dear? More coffee? You haven’t eaten much of your cobbler, is something wrong with it?” asked Betsy, the waitress at the diner.
     Betsy watched Grace and her sisters grow up and she even gave them free meals some nights when their mom left. Betsy loved the Carter girls and would do anything for them. The night Denny left Grace, Betsy nursed her broken heart with a big fat brownie and vanilla ice cream after Grace came into the diner looking like a drowned wet rat. She told Grace that night that there wasn’t anything chocolate and ice cream couldn’t fix, especially a broken heart.
     “The pie is perfect Betsy, just not in the mood tonight I guess.”
     “Ok, spill it! I have known you since you were a little girl, and you have never turned down peach cobbler or even left a crumb. Did Denny go and screw something up again? I swear that man needs to be hit over the head with a cast-iron skillet,” said Betsy, with both her hands on her hips as she eyed Grace, trying to figure out what was going on with her.
     “It’s not Denny,

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