Keeping Blossom
he takes his hand to his mouth, closes his eyes as he savors and cleans his fingers off with his tongue. I roll my eyes back into my head, moaning.

Chapter 14
    It’s been a brutal few days. We didn’t tell Shirley about Adam’s ploy to get Blossom outside. Hell, I don’t know the purpose of it either. They found the guy that hit my woman, but he had no connection to Adam or anything. It was just a random accident. But that leaves me to wonder why he tried to get her out of the house.
    “Why Adam? Why?” I whisper to the ceiling as I sit on my old bed in my dad’s house.
    “Devin. I’m sorry.” Blossom walks up to me. She’d been downstairs a few minutes ago.
    “It’s fine, babe. I just don’t understand why he wanted you out of the house.” It’s been on my mind since it happened, and I’ll never know why, but I’d like to have some closure. I hope he really just wanted to talk to her and try to steal her away. It’s not something I’d let happen, but at least, he didn’t mean to get her hurt. To me, it’s the lesser of two evils.
    “Dev. Last night I dreamt of Adam…it’s weird, but it was like he was there when I got hit by the car. He was helping me and called the police. I don’t remember the accident when I’m awake, but I feel like he was really there.”
    My irrational jealousy kicks in. It’s stupid, but it does.
    “Do you think that maybe he was outside waiting for you?”
    “I don’t know. I guess he could’ve been, but what for? He didn’t even care that I ran out on him. Before my phone was cut off, he didn’t call me to find out if I was alright or if I had somewhere to stay.”
    “So maybe he just wanted to irritate me by scaring you and things went south.” I look at her while she considers the tension between Adam and I. I need to apologize. She’s been through hell and I’m probably troubling her even more. “I’m sorry, babe. This isn’t something you need to think about…” Bending down she shushes me with her hand over my mouth.
    “I’m with you for forever, Devin. If you can’t talk to me, who can you talk to? We’re in this together. I need to unpack.” She walks away, but I can’t let her do that. She’s only got one arm to work with.
    “Blossom. We’re in this together. I’ll unpack for you.”
    “You don’t have to.”
    “No, I don’t have to, but I want to and that’s what’s going to happen. Okay, beautiful.” Grabbing her raggedy suitcase, I toss it on the bed and get to work. “Babe, we need to get some new luggage. This one’s been through hell since I first met you.”
    “I know…” she says with a twisted pout.
    “Don’t be ashamed, Blossom. I love it. Maybe we can find the same one, but without the rips. The first time we met you had it with you, and it’s by far my favorite style.” She looks at me like I’m full of shit. “Just give me a kiss, then finish getting ready for bed.”
    She waves me off and heads into the bathroom. I watch her walk away because her ass looks so good in those jeans. Groaning, I give my cock a squeeze. I haven’t been in her since the morning of the accident and it’s starting to get to be too much.
    “Devin!” I rush to the bathroom, hearing her cry for me.
    Pushing the door open, I see her wide-eyed with a towel pressed to her chest.
    “What’s wrong, babe?” I scan her body up and down looking for any injuries then look around the room like a madman
    “A giant spider!” she shrieks. I want to laugh, but the panic in her pretty eyes is real.
    “Where, babe?” I’m going to get the evil monster and save my woman.
    “It’s in the shower.”
    “Okay, I’ll get it.” Sliding the curtain aside, I don’t see the guy anywhere in the shower. Then I spot the “giant” spider near the bath spout. It’s no bigger than a quarter, but I grab some tissue and dispose the of the massive beast.
    “All done, babe. You can take a shower now.” She shakes her head. “Babe, you need to let

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