Kathir's Redemption (Book 6)

Kathir's Redemption (Book 6) by Kristian Alva Page A

Book: Kathir's Redemption (Book 6) by Kristian Alva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristian Alva
Tags: Fantasy, dark fantasy, Dragons, ya fantasy, epic fantasy
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the way dwarves should live.
    Bolrakei and a few of her advisors had claimed a nicer section of the camp for themselves. She had also bullied other dwarves into building her a large shelter so she could protect her jewel boxes.
    “ We need to find a way to break this deadlock, ” said Skemtun quietly as they headed back toward the camp. “ The longer this goes on, the harder it ’ ll be to change anything. ”
    “ Bolrakei is the main problem, ” replied Kathir. “ Utan dislikes her intensely, and I can ’ t say I blame him. Can ’ t you just overrule her? ”
    Skemtun shook his head. “ It ’ s not that simple. I can ’ t oppose her directly without splitting the clans even further. She ’ s got powerful supporters, and she ’ s descended from a very important family. Her lineage means a lot, especially to her own clan. Many dwarves who believe exactly as she does — they believe that the Vardmiters are beneath us. I ’ ll admit that I used to feel the same way myself. ”
    “ You ’ ll have to work something out soon, ” Kathir said. “ How long can your people live exposed on this side of a mountain? There ’ s a blanket of snow on the ground, and it ’ s getting colder every day. ”
    “ At least we have enough to eat. ” Skemtun tried to remain positive, but he knew that things were bad. Two more of his clan had died last night. Even with enough food, Highport was a harsh place.
    “ I don ’ t understand what Bolrakei is gaining from this, ” Kathir said.
    “ She ’ s very prideful, but she isn ’ t stupid. Klorra-Kanna became the richest clan in dwarvish history under her rule — she ’ s rich beyond all measure. If there ’ s one thing Bolrakei knows how to do well, it ’ s how to make money. ”
    Skemtun and Kathir kept walking through the camp. They went silent for a moment as they approached a group of dwarves huddled in a circle. They cooked a freshly skinned rabbit over a small campfire. Skemtun stopped to greet them.
    Kathir stepped back a respectful distance and took some time to think. He ’ d spent a lot of time working for powerful people who manipulated those around them. Once they resumed walking, he asked Skemtun, “ What if Bolrakei ’ s motives are more sinister? Maybe creating obstacles is part of her plan. Could she aggravate things until a final battle occurs? ”
    “ It ’ s possible, I suppose. ”
    Kathir looked at his friend. “ What happens when your clans are so sick and tired of freezing outside that they attempt to take this mountain by force? ”
    Skemtun sighed. “ Most of our soldiers are dead, and the Vardmiters don ’ t have any military trainin ’ . A battle between the clans would be a disaster. Both sides would suffer heavy casualties. ”
    Kathir frowned. “ We know that, but does Bolrakei? Does she even care ? ”
    “ She sees the Vardmiters as a bunch of misfits, so deep down, she believes we can beat them. She ’ s blinded by her arrogance and prejudice. ”
    “ You have to stop her, ” Kathir insisted.
    The old dwarf sighed. “ I know that, but what would ye have me do? I can ’ t oppose her, at least not openly. Her clan is too powerful. ”
    “ Come on, man! Take charge here. Go talk to Utan. Alone. ”
    “ And what if Bolrakei discovers that I went behind her back? ” Skemtun countered. “ I ’ m not a king! I ’ m just a clan leader. I don ’ t have more authority than she does. In fact, I have less . ”
    Kathir shook his head. He said simply, “ Don ’ t be afraid! Don ’ t be afraid of her. You can strike your own deal with Utan. Negotiate for your people. Her followers can stay outside on the mountain if they want. Anyone who decides to follow you can just join your clan inside. ”
    “ If I try something underhanded like that, Bolrakei will have me stripped of my office. ”
    Kathir rolled his eyes in exasperation. “ Come on! That ’ s just bloody politics talking! Your people are freezing to death out here!

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