Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I)

Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I) by Maxwell Bond Page B

Book: Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I) by Maxwell Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maxwell Bond
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other guards felt too, because they appeared startled. Magnus moved close to him, fearful of the strange power the creatures were displaying.
    The shock wasn't in the tone of the message, which was jovial, it was the fact that none of them had ever experienced it before. Antoni was particularly unsettled because he could feel them still, and the force that surrounded them. They had invaded his mind, and now something told him he was tied to them in a way.
    Could they move through his mind and invade his thoughts? Were they capable of making his see and feel things that weren't there?
    They walked slowly to the end of the chamber. It was made out of the same red brick dust that everything else was made of, but there images inscribed on the walls depicting scenes of people killing sentients, traveling through the stars. It meant something, but he didn't have time to study it.
    Instead, he was ushered into a large meeting hall with a long table where the ambassador to the Vermillions were waiting. You would think that he would wear something appropriate for the occasion. Instead, he was wearing the same dirty rags that everyone else wore.
    He had a brisk manner to match his leather, dust worn skin, and when he stood up to greet him Antoni could see his eyes darting around, displaying the same paranoia he saw in the Jihadis. “Thank you for coming.”
    “I am glad that we were able to meet.” The prince walked over to extend his hand, but the man pulled back, almost as if he were unsure of what the boy was doing. Antoni grew embarrassed. “I am Prince Antoni Leon, heir to the Kaldean Empire, and this is my personal guard, Magnus.” He pointed back at the man who was wearing a brand new cloak that had been soiled with dust.
    The man nodded his head in acknowledgment, but he didn't bow. “My name is Rufus Delani. I am the leader of the Vermillions and the de facto ambassador to the Empire.”
    A Larvos stepped forward, and transmitted his voice into Antoni's head. “I apologize. I know that our method of communication is disturbing to your species, but I promise it is noninvasive. We don't have names, but among the humans, I go by Yuri. I am the Leader of the People who reside in this region.” He lowered his legs and let his body dip just a bit.
    “It's very nice to meet you, Yuri.” Antoni was shivering inside, but he did his best to keep his composure while he took his seat along with the rest of the group.
    “Where's your father?” Rufus was quick to jump on Antoni.
    “I was told that he would arrive shortly after I arrived. I assure you, he will be here soon.”
    “Are we allowed to continue without him present,” Yuri asked.
    \ “I don't think he's representative of their government,” Yuri countered. “Understand something,” he turned to the prince. “I came to you. I'm here with a solution to your problem, and I'm working with you to fix things. You should be taking us seriously.”
    Magnus moved to Antoni's side, and Rufus tensed up. His sharp stare was like an icepick to the face. “I—he told me he would be here soon. I don't know why he's not here yet, but please let me impress upon you just how important this is to us.”
    “I don't trust it. I think they're playing with us.” Rufus was speaking directly to Yuri.
    This was a good way to get Antoni killed. He was furious. He wanted to storm out and head straight back to the palace, but something told him that that wouldn't be a good idea. Instead he was being forced to sit and wait while his father delayed as long as he possibly could.
    “He's coming.”
    Rufus was on his feet. “How do I know!?”
    A guard moved behind Antoni and bent down to whisper in his ear. “A word, your highness.”
    'There's been news of my father's arrival.” Antoni left quickly to meet with his father before going back in. The guard stayed close to his side as they walked up to the front steps where he turned around and let his eyes pass over the prince.

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