Justice for All

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Authors: Jim Newton
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Warren’s California background could have produced this definitive study.”
    â€”Kevin Starr, professor of history, University of Southern California, and author of California and the American Dream
    â€œThe best judicial biography I have read. A compelling and masterfully written account of one of the most important figures in twentieth-century America.”
    â€”Erwin Chemerinsky, constitutional scholar and Duke University law professor
    â€œA superb new biography . . . Highly readable prose . . . Newton mined archival and other material on Warren with the same thoroughness that the Forty-Niners once devoted to California gold fields.”— Washington Lawyer
    â€œ[Newton] is . . . a writer capable of making history read like good literature.”
    â€” Orange County Register

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    The author gratefully acknowledges permission to quote from the following:
Excerpts from the Earl Warren Oral History Project. Courtesy The Bancroft Library, University of
California, Berkeley.
“The Gift Outright” from The Poetry of Robert Frost , edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright
1969 by Henry Holt and Company. Copyright 1942 by Robert Frost, copyright 1970 by Lesley Frost
Ballantine. .
Copyright © 2006 by James S. Newton
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    Newton, Jim, date.
Justice for all : Earl Warren and the nation he made / by Jim Newton.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
    eISBN : 978-1-594-48270-0
    1. Warren, Earl, 1891-1974. 2. Judges—United States—Biography. 3. United States. Supreme
Court—Biography. I. Title.



To Karlene and Jack




    It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.
    EARL WARREN left a great and voluminous legacy that modern America has not known quite how to absorb. In personal terms, his family bore him testament. Nina lived to celebrate her hundredth birthday and spent her remaining years as she had her

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