Justice: A Billionaire Romance
businesses, MJT had acquired a lot of the same stuff used on the International Space Station and aboard US Navy aircraft carriers. While Sophie couldn't do an MRI in the space we had, she could do a lot. "Hold still," she said, going over across the room. "Let's take a look inside."
    The system Sophie used wasn't X-rays, I knew that much, but other than that, I'm pretty much clueless. I'm trained in field medical techniques, but I let the details on the medicine go to those who were interested in it. In my opinion, I thought that Riley was the one most likely to follow in his mother's footsteps. In five seconds, a complete body scan of my upper body appeared on screen. "Jesus."
    "What?" I asked, stepping away from the bed. I wasn't bleeding, and moving wasn't making the pain in my shoulder any worse. "What do you see?"
    Mom looked up at me from the screen she and Sophie were studying, concern back in her eyes. "On the bed," she said, stepping around. "You've got some fractures."
    "No," Sophie said, holding up her hand. "Let's get that shoulder back into place first, and then we can worry about the fractures. It'll be easier if he's sitting up."
    I let Mom help me sit down, and Sophie came over, taking my arm in her hands. "This is going to hurt."
    She pulled, and before I passed out, I heard a satisfying thunk . Still, the pain was enough that I embraced the darkness, and let it wash over me for a while.

Chapter Eleven
    I helped Andi out mostly by following behind her, making sure things were tidied up. "Give me your sidearms," I said as we came in. "I can store them in the Bell Tower for the night."
    Andi stopped, startled. She nodded, and unsnapped her weapons from their hard-points on her costume. Peeling off her cowl, she ran through the house to the gym and medical facility. I went upstairs to the Bell Tower, making sure to put things away.
    I was just finishing my breakdown of my sidearm when Dad came in, his face tight. "How's Carter?" I asked, trying to put my fears aside. "Andi's with him?"
    "She is," Dad said, popping the clip on his Glock and clearing the weapon. He put it away, then put his hands on the table. "What the hell happened?"
    "I don't know, Dad," I said, finishing my last weapon. I went over to the rack and peeled off my costume, plugging it into the computer port that would do a diagnostic on the systems as well as recharge it. "Didn't Carter say anything?"
    He shook his head. "He passed out when Sophie put his shoulder back into socket, and she's kept him lightly sedated since. Riley, he's got two broken ribs and massive bruising over his entire chest. How the hell does that happen with those suits you guys wear? They're designed to take a sledge hammer blow without a second glance."
    I shook my head. "We'll find out when Carter wakes up. Did you download his cowl's camera feed yet?"
    Dad shook his head. "Tabby is doing that now. Riley, did you see anything out there that can give us a lead on this?"
    I thought about it, then shrugged. "Maybe. The guys Andi and I were listening to, they seemed to know about the attack on Carter. They also said something about this new drug that our mysterious Mr. Clean is bringing in, making you feel like Superman. Perhaps the Eighty-Eights know some more? I can go out and ring some bells if you want."
    Dad shook his head. "Not until we know more about what the hell this is. Riley . . . ” Dad said before falling silent. He came over and hugged me, and I knew what he wanted to say without him needing the words. Former hitman, vigilante, and all-around-badass, he was still a concerned husband and father. He patted me on the back and cleared his throat. "All right, let's go make sure your sister is okay."
    We found Andi still in the remnants of her costume, sitting next to Carter in the medical bay bed. Mom had completed her scans, and was preparing an injection. "How's he looking?"
    Mom looked up, while Andi seemed to not hear. She was holding Carter's left

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