Just One Night
power and sexiness as his eyes
drifted closed again and his head dropped back in pleasure.
    “You feel amazing, Nickie . So hot and wet. Tight, fuck me, you're so tight.”
    Leaning down, she splayed her hands on his
chest and stroked her thumbs across his hard masculine nipples, dragging his
eyes open.
    “You're amazing, Jase .   The way you fill me.   The way you make me feel.   Touch me, Jase .   I want your hands on me,” she said, not
hesitant in her dreams about what she needed from him. About what she had
fantasized about for so long during those lazy summer days and even longer
nights as she’d laid in bed, achy and hot for him.
    He grinned, displaying the dimple that made
him look so much younger. She skimmed her finger across that cute indent and he
speedily turned his head and nipped her index finger with his perfect white
    “I'd rather taste you,” he said and before
she could protest, he surged up and put his mouth on her breasts, sucking and
biting at the sensitive tips.
    His mouth was heaven and she cradled his head
to her and offered up soft cries of enjoyment, but soon she couldn't just stay
there with him buried inside her.   She
had to move.   Had to satisfy the need
created by the magic of his mouth on her breasts.
    She lifted her hips, the friction of the
motion intense. Even more so as she drove back down quickly and ground her hips
against him.
    His rough groans spurred her to move again
and again until her actions were wild and the sound of their bodies slapping
together filled the air together with their guttural moans of pleasure.
    Inside her the tension built, ever higher
until her release shot through her and she arched her back and pushed down on
him hard, her clit and pussy throbbing and vibrating with the pleasure of her
    “ Jase ,” she said
softly beneath her breath.
      “Miss?   Miss! We're at
Long Branch.   Time to change over to the Bayhead train,” the conductor said, a hint of irritation in
his voice.
    Startled, she sucked in a rough inhalation as
reality rudely intruded and warmth flooded across her cheeks as if she had just
been discovered butt naked on the train, but she hid her embarrassment.
    She offered up an apologetic smile, rose, and
hopped off onto the platform.   For a
moment she considered that it would be far safer to get on the next train back
to New York City.   But she forced herself
to cross the platform to the diesel train waiting there for the next leg of her
trip. Forced herself to get on board the train.
    It was finally time to face both her past and
her future.
    It was long past time to face Jase .

    Chapter 2
    Nicole slipped out of the taxi she had
grabbed at the train station and hurried into her family's beachside home.   She was able to sneak in through the front
door without being noticed since most people at the party were either outside
or in the immense great room at the back of the house.
    Dragging her suitcase upstairs, she hurried
to her bedroom.   She was already so late
for the party that she had decided during the cab ride not to waste time and
change out of her interview suit, but then she caught sight of herself in the
    Her dark, nearly black hair was scraped back
from her face into a serviceable topknot that made her face look severe and way
too serious.   The bright white of the
shirt and dark grey of the suit were extremely professional and definitely not
party wear.
    Boring , the little voice in her head complained, but she ignored it.
    Their guests would understand that she'd just
hurried home from New York City and hadn’t had time to change.
    Do you really want to
look like someone's Old Maid aunt ? the annoying voice
in her head shouted and as she glanced at the mirror again and grimaced at what
she saw, it was way to hard to ignore that voice.
    Do I?   Do I want to look like this when it could be
the last night I see Jase for a long long time? she asked herself.
    For all her

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