Just Desserts
office suite. Taking the steps two at a time, he jogged up to street level. The mid-day sun blinded him as he was reintroduced to the traffic on Michigan Avenue.
    Slinging the leather lap top satchel over his shoulder, he zigzagged between the pedestrians who clogged the sidewalk by stopping on the bridge to look down at the Chicago River. His nostrils filled with the slightly stale smell of fresh Lake Michigan water mixed with rancid river, but a nice change from the country air.
    His cell rang. While he waited at the crosswalk, a tour bus—with an open top—came to a stop down the street from him. Quinn heard the guide describe the architectural history of the Wrigley Building to the tourists snapping pictures. Quinn rolled his eyes and answered the phone.
    “Where are you?” a woman with a silky voice demanded.
    “I’m across the street. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home in Glen Ellyn painting the nursery and arranging baby furniture?”
    “Forever a bachelor and a typical guy. Don’t you know anything? I’m two weeks away from the delivery date. I can’t be near the smell of fresh paint. And I don’t want to bring this kid into the world too early by lifting baby cradles. I’m here waiting for you, my dearest brother-in-law.”
    Quinn crossed the street and pushed through the revolving doors of the iconic Wrigley Building. “Well, Suze. In the glass elevator and on my way up.” He watched the open hallways as he rose to the top floor where the law offices of Laughton, Wrigley and Morris were located. “I’m down the hallway. Don’t make any fast moves. I don’t want to be the one to blame if my niece or nephew arrives early. Jake will never let me live it down.”
    He stepped off the elevator that landed directly into the plush penthouse office suite. Suze waddled up to him. “Your brother and I have a bone to pick. Why didn’t you tell us that you weren’t coming back until today? Kate’s been calling me incessantly. What’s up with you?”
    “The solar panels on the mansion—and the heat—slowed me down. The past two weeks have put the renovation behind by a month, if not longer.” He kissed his sister-in-law’s cheek. ”What kind of mood is my brother in? Crabby or cynical?”
    “Oh, the usual. I came here to remind him that we have a child on the way. He should be ordering cigars, or packs of Juicy Fruit. Getting ready for our joyful arrival. Instead he’s obsessing on the latest acquisition. And worried about the new owners of this building. He doesn’t like their renovation plans.”
    “He takes our family business seriously. I should thank him for taking the lead. The Wrigley empire is in good hands.”
    “Quit sounding like Darth Vader. Jake is doing the light work—finances. You’re out making sure Wrigley properties don’t crumble away.” She spoke softly, “You could make Jake’s’ life easier…by taking on this building’s renovation.” Suze waggled her brows. “You are the best man to handle the job. It is your family’s legacy.”
    Quinn laughed. “Now who’s sounding like Lord Vader? I have enough on my plate.”
    “Besides the solar panels, were there any other problems at your great grandparents’ lake house?”
    “Coming along swell. Will have to go back in a week or two when they arrive. My main man is trusty but I want to get it done without any more damn interference.” He swung his brother’s door open. The office, surrounded in windows, gave a panoramic view of Lake Michigan.
    “Finally. Where the hell have you been? Slogging through pastures of cow shit in Wisconsin?” Jake swung his feet off his desk and loped over to him.
    “Doing a favor for grandma. That lake house of hers is a pain in the ass. Did find a great diner to pick up and add to my collection, though.”
    His brother came up to him and gave him a big hug. “Glad to see you.”
    “He looks good doesn’t he?” Suze said as she inspected him head to toe. “You got

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