Jungle Crossing

Jungle Crossing by Sydney Salter Page A

Book: Jungle Crossing by Sydney Salter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Salter
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wasn't so sure.
    "But you'll be too busy writing postcards to your zillions of friends back home," she said. "Barbie tells me everything." She nodded her head toward Barb, still gawking at the cenote. "Plus, it's not like you're exactly athletic.
teaching her the backstroke."
    I sauntered up next to Barb to hide my blushing cheeks—and pinched her arm hard.
    "Since you're such a blabbermouth, Barb, why
you go for a swim?" I lowered my voice. "And stop talking about me, or I'll sacrifice you myself."
    "Ouch! I'm telling Mom." Barb ran to catch up with Talia.
    Nando gave me another dirty look. Why does he care? It's none of his business anyway.
    I brushed past him, trying my best to catch up with the group without breaking into a run. I felt like such a little kid—just like the time Fiona made us all speed walk around the mall like the old people. I couldn't keep up. I never kept up. Fiona called me "oh-so retirement home ready." Talia's right, I'm not athletic. I can't do anything! I'm even dumb when it comes to all the Mayan culture stuff, asking stupid questions, making Nando mad.
    The guide stopped at the bottom of El Castillo, the big pyramid, and blabbered on about how the pyramid has ninety-one steps on each side, plus one more at the top. "It all adds up to three hunded and sixty-five, same as the days of the year. See? Weren't those ancient Mayans smart? Okay, time for some photos and—"
    "Good thing we can't climb. Kat's legs aren't long enough," Talia said.
    "She'd be too chicken anyway," Barb said.
    That's it!
    I slipped under the rope blocking off the pyramid. "Hey!" the guide shouted, but his voice grew faint in my ears as I leaped up the steep steps, still glossy polished marble in places. My thighs started to burn, but I didn't even look down, I just kept going. Why was Talia trying to turn my own sister against me? Why did everyone treat me like such a baby? And why did I feel like such an idiot around Nando—he's no Zach B! Next year I hoped Zach B. would finally notice
and not just joke around with Fiona all the time. What if Fiona and her precious Five crank call him from mini-camp? Or what if they meet up at the movies with his friends? I pictured Fiona going out with Zach B., holding hands in the hall, slow dancing at the holiday formal, doing homework together at the library, even though Fiona called libraries "oh-so Dullsville."
I can't take it anymore!
    I pounded my anger into each step. My breath came fast, and my chest hurt, but I didn't care.
I'd rather die from some freak heart attack up here than suffer another minute with Talia and her precious Barbie.
Sliding a bit, I grabbed the step in front of me and pulled myself to the top. Sweat dripped from my forehead into my eyes. Hands on my knees, I sucked in gulps of air, then flapped my shirt to create a breeze. How hot could someone get before bursting into flames? Turning around, I felt dizzy as I stared out across miles of green—the whole world rolled out to the horizon in one long green shag carpet. I towered over the other pyramids.
    From up here, the steps looked even steeper. How would I get down? Clinging to the wall, I slipped into the little room built on top of the pyramid. Thick black soot darkened the walls, and I crinkled my nose at the smell of the hot, dank air. I traced my name across the blackened walls, wondering if all this soot was left over from ancient prayers and offerings. I closed my eyes and whispered my own short prayer: "Please let eighth grade be different."
    I walked back out, squinting in the hot sunshine. How did those short ancient people get down from these steps? Or was this pyramid another form of sacrifice? I waved at Nando and the others, who stood staring at me from the bottom. Nando shook his fist at me. The guide shouted something that didn't sound friendly.
    But I ignored them and walked around to the other side of the pyramid, overlooking the Temple of the Warriors with its

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