Julia Justiss

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Book: Julia Justiss by The Untamed Heiress Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Untamed Heiress
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at your house? Oh, that would be wonderful!”
    “Excellent. You shall start tomorrow. Report to the kitchen and ask for Molly.” Helena pointed to the maid waiting on the porch, who offered Nell a halfhearted wave. “I will find a place for Dickon within the week.”
    “Thank you, miss!” Nell cried. “We’ll work hard and not disappoint you, won’t we, Dickon?”
    From the boy’s mutinous face Helena gathered he would prefer to remain at the workhouse, where he might run with his fellows without his sister’s close supervision. “Master Dickon, what sort of work would you like?”
    “I dunno, miss. I’ve only ever helped with washing.”
    “Yes, but that’s women’s work, isn’t it? We shall have to find you something more fit for a man.”
    The boy drew himself up straighter. “Though some think I’m still a child—” he threw a resentful look at his sister “—I’m big enough to do man’s work.”
    “Being a soldier’s son, I’m sure you are. ’Tis settled, then. Nell, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Thank you again, ma’am. I know what an opportunity you’re giving us. You’ll not regret it, I promise!”
    “Bless you, Miss Lambarth!” Mrs. Smith said softly as Nell, a beaming smile on her face, hurried her brother back to the washtub. “I know you’ll be happy with her work.”
    “You will watch out for Dickon until I send for him?”
    Mrs. Smith sighed. “I shall do my best. He is a handful, that one. But I believe I can keep him out of mischief for a week. God bless you, miss, for helping these poor forgotten babes!”
    “Thank you, Mrs. Smith, for caring so much about them.” Touched by the woman’s probably thankless efforts on her indigent charges’ behalf, Helena impetuously handed the woman the rest of the coins in her purse. “Spend some of this on yourself, now, not just on your children!”
    Mrs. Smith’s thanks following them, Helena collected Molly and returned to the waiting hackney. Once they were seated within, Molly burst out, “Miss, whatever am I to tell the household when that girl shows up tomorrow?”
    “You needn’t volunteer where she came from. Just tell them she is someone you know.”
    Molly gasped. “I couldn’t lie to Harrison!”
    “It’s not a lie. You met her today.”
    Molly shook her head, her face still distressed. “Someone’s bound to find out. I’ll be sacked for sure!”
    “No one shall find out,” Helena said bracingly. “Nell will work hard and earn everyone’s respect. After a few weeks no one will care where she came from.”
    “If she or that ne’er-do-well of a brother don’t rob us blind first.”
    “If your suspicions prove correct, I will turn them over to the magistrate without a qualm. If anything untoward does happen, I shall accept full responsibility.”
    Molly shook her head. “Harrison will still sack me.”
    Helena grinned at her. “If your worst fears are realized, I shall hire you back myself. Now, here is another guinea to soothe your worry with ices at Gunter’s.”
    After a moment’s hesitation, Molly took the coin. “Iff’n I do get sacked, Ma would say I’d be better off going to the workhouse myself than taking that job. You be the most unusual lady I’ve ever met, and that’s the truth.”
    If you only knew, Helena thought ruefully, watching the Marylebone workhouse fade from view as the carriage headed back toward Mayfair.

    T HREE WEEKS LATER , in great good humor, Adam ran up the front steps of the Darnell town house and swept inside, tossing his coat, hat and cane to the butler.
    “Are the ladies at home?” he asked Harrison.
    “They just returned from their afternoon calls.”
    “Would you have them join me in the Green Salon? At once, please.”
    Harrison didn’t flicker an eye at the unusual summons. “Yes, my lord. Should I send refreshment?”
    “Have James bring up a bottle of Papa’s best claret. And Harrison,” Adam continued, grinning as he placed a gold

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