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Book: JR by William Gaddis Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Gaddis
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need all the information you can get, said Hyde abruptly threatening him with a thick brochure from above. —I just happened to have this research report with me. It's a pretty good rundown of long-term operating cost estimates on closed-circuit cable setups, compared to what you run into trying to carry a full lesson load on open-circuit broadcasting. I picked it up to show the Senator here, Congressman, Pecci…

——energy still locked in the vast shale oil deposits beneath thousands of barren mountain peaks jutting from the sea of the public domain, two thirds of the state of Utah…
    —Structuring the material in terms of the ongoing ahm, situation yes, on Mozart's, ah, Ring, is it?
    —I noticed something here … Mister Ford spoke for the first time with the commanding indifference of an old-school drawl, running his finger down a catalogued list —here, The Rhinegold is it?
    —Oh, you have one of our schedules, we … having trouble locating one, this use of, utilization of …
    —Schepperman? Yes well he, ahm, it was his idea originally. This doing this Ring, before he, before we replaced him. He, ah, painted, taught painting, that was before we replaced him of course, a little trouble over the loyalty oath provision…
    —Little? Mister Pecci repeated, opening pinstripe over his glittering tieclasp in a campaign gesture. —like being a little bit pregnant, eh?
    —Yes well of course the, on the cultural aspect of the arts we have a studio teacher now, Whiteback came on at the brightness control, —A video personality that motivates a really meaningful learning experience in these youngsters…

——Everybody has a laughing place, to go, ho! ho!
    The face of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart shimmered on the screen.

——To go ho! ho!
    —Here she is now yes, I think she taped this audio part, introducing this, music appreciation this is, in terms of closed-circuit capabilities this
    —In terms of tangibilitating the full utilization potential of in-school

    —Something for the pit and something for the gallery, murmured Mister Ford.
    —Making the artist really come alive for these youngsters. Humanizing them, the artists that is to say, motivating…
    —Warm bodies…

——Today, boys and girls …
    —Who's that? —The Mozart. It's… —No. The voice…

——fairy tale life of the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Even his name, Amadeus, or in German, Gottlieb, means beloved by the gods …
    —Remind me to call him later, about the fire sprinklers, Whiteback inclined toward Hyde in undertone. —Call who. —Gottlieb, about the fire sprinklers.

darling of the gods, this little Peter Pan of music who never really grew up, a real life fairy tale that takes us from the glittering courts of Europe to a scene in a great thunderstorm. There's even a mysterious messenger of death in this tale, filled with magic and enchantment…
    —That's not Dan, is it? the voice? muttered Hyde, as the camera shuddered down the spangle-decked embroidery of a sleeve to fingers drawn poised on a keyboard.

——apple cheeks, dressed in silks of lilac and gold, was barely seven years old when he played for the court in Vienna and the Emperor called him my little magician. In Naples the superstitious Italians even made him take off a ring he was wearing, to prove it wasn't a magic ring that gave him his magical powers …
    And in response to a querulous growl from Mister Pecci the still picture on the screen gave way to a face staring directly at the viewers, glistening with perspiration.

——playing and composing music since the age of four. By the time he was fourteen Mozart had written sonatas, a symphony, even an opera …
    —This is our, our composer in residence, Whiteback blurted with what sounded like relief. —He's been working with our ahm curriculum specialist she thought he needed, must have thought he needed exposure to the ahm, to do a very fine job of course we have

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