JOURNEY INTO THE REALM: The Spell Master (Journey into the Realm Series)
frustrated and confused, I rose from my bed and traveled the short steps to my vanity, hoping a break from family conflict would help me clear my head. Taking a deep breath to lower my rapid heart rate, I removed some paper and a pen and then brought them over to my newly purchased desk. Other than the dining table, there hadn’t been a place for me to write, so I thought it was a good buy.
    I sat down at the desk and began:
    Dear Stellan,
    Thank you so much for your letter. You can’t imagine how much I miss you! Things have been so different here without you and Addison. Have you had a chance to write her? I haven’t written to her since you left. I hope she is doing well in Tarlore. I know she misses Cass just as much as I miss you.
    I know you are doing a great duty for our Realm, so I try not to be too miserable. I’m also trying to listen to your advice and have a little fun. I’m glad to hear you and Cass are all right, even though these are hard times. I pray that your courage stays strong through this.
    School has been great. I learn a lot every day. I have also made many new friends, as well as kept some old ones. Brielle came all the way from Tarlore to go to school with me, which is such a comfort because you know how shy I can be sometimes. I have wonderful teachers and classes, but self-defense isn’t as easy as I had hoped. I can admit I’m not that much of a fencer, but I can at least hold my own for some time. I’m sure I will get better.
    Aaliyah misses you very much as well…and so does Zora, I think. The dragon eggs miss you too! They are almost ready to hatch. We are all very excited. I hope that you can read this letter and feel better. You must keep focused if you are to come home to me once your term has ended.
    I can’t wait for that day.
    Love, Ramsey
    I purposely didn’t mention Nathan’s name in the letter. It wouldn’t be beneficial if Stellan started questioning me as well. I folded the letter once the pen ink was dry and sealed it inside an envelope, stamping a seal on top to close it. Then I dropped it into my shoulder bag to give to Aaliyah later.
    I walked back to my bed and lay down once again. I was still feeling rotten, despite the deep breathing and letter-writing. Images of Nathan’s face as he walked away repeated behind my closed eyelids. I hadn’t wanted him to leave , I realized. I never wanted him to leave. He made me feel like everything could be right in my world. I didn’t understand why; I had known him only a few days. Even so, the feeling remained, despite my own confusion.
    Thinking of him was like a double-edged sword, because a part of me always felt guilty, and I didn’t want Zora to be right about taking Stellan’s love for granted.
    I’m not doing anything wrong , I repeated to myself over and over.
    I couldn’t lie to myself any more than I could lie to my sister.
    I meant to close my eyes for only a moment. I just wanted to clear my head and relax before I faced Zora. I hadn’t had such a heated argument with her before, and I didn’t feel right about it. Fighting with her was just…wrong somehow. I fought with Dina, my human sister, plenty of times throughout my adolescence. Dina and I grew up together. Quarrels were normal for sisters like us. But with Zora, things were different. She wasn’t like Dina. She was kind and gentle, and no one ever had anything bad to say about her. She was the elfen everyone wanted to know.
    Did being her sister mean that things had to be different between us as opposed to how she interacted with everyone else? She was aggravatingly protective of me. I knew I should be careful; she was my guardian, the only link I had to my real heritage. She had a right to worry about me. But when it came to the subject of Nathan, I didn’t want Zora’s concern. I just wanted her to stay out of my business.
    I was so deep in thought that I forgot to open my eyes. Instead, I fell asleep quickly. Then I dreamt.

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