Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town
me. I think I'm still a little shocked as he continues his story.
    "We actually call them Realms and there are
seven, of which Ghost Town is just one."
    "Seven?" I asked. "What is with everyone and
sevens around here?!"
    "Seven," Gasp said, "is a very important
number. Seven days of the week and all that. I don't think it's
worth wasting your time telling you all about the importance of the
number seven right now, Jimmy."
    "No," I said. "You're right. Seven Realms.
That's all I need to know. Keep going."
    "So, yes, there are Seven Realms outside of
your world. Do you happen to remember the tree that got you
    "Do you mean the big round
glowing one? The one I traced the letters GT on and all of a sudden
I'm waking up in a creepy room seeing you float in front of an open
window? Yeah," I said sarcastically. "I think I remember that one."
    "Well, that tree is the key to moving
between realms. The one you found in your world just happened to
bring you to Ghost Town because that's where you were needed. Once
we started getting the letters addressed to you, we knew we had to
get you here to help us. So we placed the Transport Tree in your
world and hoped that you'd find it and do exactly what you ended up
    "Once you're done with the work needed in
each realm, you shouldn't have any trouble finding the Transport
Tree to get where you need to be next."
    "Wait a minute," I said as
soon as those last words escaped Gasp's lips. "If there's a
Transport Tree here in Ghost Town, why can't we just pack ourselves
up, find the tree and transport ourselves back home? I think I've
had enough of Ghost Town for a long time."
    "Unfortunately, Jimmy, it
doesn't work that way. You see, the Transport Tree can be sent into
your world by the Elders, in order to get you here to Ghost Town
(or any of the other realms), but it can't be used to get back to your world.
Getting home is a lot more complicated and something that not
even I know how
to do yet."
    "You've got to be kidding me," I said. "You
mean, you have no idea how we're going to get home?"
    "Not yet," Gasp said. "But I promise you
this, Jimmy Stone. If you help us, I will do everything in my power
to get you home."
    "This is a bunch of bullshit."
    I didn't want to curse. I mean, sure I'm in
fifth grade and I've heard the word plenty of times before, but I
don't like to use it. This, however, I think was one of those times
when it was necessary. Plus, it just kind of came out. I couldn't
really stop it.
    "I know this isn't
something you asked for," Gasp said, "but it's clearly something
that you're meant to do. You're supposed to be here, Jimmy.
You're supposed to help us."
    "Of course you're going to say that, Gasp.
You're the one who brought me here!"
    "This is true, Jimmy, but I still believe in
my heart that you are meat to be here and help us."
    "Sure you do," I said and shook my head.
"Sure you do."
    I was still in shock from everything that
had just happened. The appearance of the Oracle Essex. The letter
she read us. Gasp's stories. Everything was spinning through my
head. I had so many questions.
    "So, you can just move yourself between
Realms?" I asked.
    "Well," Gasp said, "it's
complicated. Guides, like myself, can move between Realms in the
same way as you - by using the Transport Tree. But we need to fit
in. Our names change. Our identities change. The only way you'll
recognize us is if you really know us. Right now I'm in the form of a Ghost. My name
is Gasp. All this makes it very easy for me to fit in here in Ghost
Town, which I've made my home for many years. Should I have to
travel to one of the other Realms, I'll need to take on a new
    "But you'll do that, right? I mean, you'll
be there to help us. To guide us through whatever we need to do to
find these seven things. We can't do this alone, Gasp. We don't
even know what we're looking for!"
    "Neither do I, Jimmy, but
I promise to you that I will be there to help. I'll be there every
step of the way

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