JFK by Oliver Stone, L. Fletcher Prouty Page B

Book: JFK by Oliver Stone, L. Fletcher Prouty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oliver Stone, L. Fletcher Prouty
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takes place at American universities and even in manufacturing plants, where advanced equipment for this type of warfare is being made.
    Then there are the paramilitary forces of other nations that have been trained in the Soviet Union. Today these graduates, by the tens of thousands, are the leaders of the “elite” forces of many countries and the professionals used to breed a world of international terrorists. For the most part, they are not individuals or members of some small group, but participants in a most sophisticated, worldwide complex of organizations. The Spanish example is a perfect case study in describing the methods and tactics of such units. (For illustrative purposes, examples of operations in other countries will be merged with the Spanish example to portray more comprehensively the potential of these tactics.)
    The Spanish army’s Special Forces troops had been ordered to “stage a mock invasion of a town and to make it [look and feel] as realistic as possible.” The army was ordered to create a battle that would appear to support evidence of insurgency. This is one of the secret methods of the secret war. These special armed forces are used as agitators. It is as though the fire department were being used to start fires, the police department employed to steal and kill, and doctors ordered to make people sick, to destroy their brains, to poison them. Such clandestine operations are designed to make war—even when they have to play both sides at the same time.
    First of all, as stated so accurately in Leonard Lewin’s Report From Iron Mountain, 1 “allegiance [to the State] requires a cause; a cause requires an enemy,” and “. . . the presumed power of the enemy sufficient to warrant an individual sense of allegiance to a society must be proportionate to the size and complexity of the society ”
    Therefore, on a global scale, the Cold War required the USSR and the United States to have been enemies by need and by definition. Ever since the Bravo detonation of the hydrogen bomb, the world’s political, economic, and military system has had to be bipolar. Those without massive weapons and the means to deliver them could not possibly take part effectively in such global warfare.
    It has been politically necessary for each major power to have an enemy, even though both major powers knew that they no longer had any way to benefit from a traditional “all-out” war. Neither one could control its own destiny or its own society without the “threat” of the other. On a lesser scale, as we shall see in the Spanish example, the existence of “insurgents” lent validity to the charge of a “Communist-supported” insurgency, even though the scope of the “conflict”—that is, the “mock invasion of the town”—was purely local.
    All leaders of all nations know that, as stated in Report From Iron Mountain, “The organization of a society for the possibility of war is its principal political stabilizer. It is ironic that this primary function of warfare has been generally recognized by historians only where it has been expressly acknowledged—in the pirate societies of the great conquerors. ”
    That is the historical perspective. It has been the primary reason for the necessary prosecution of the Cold War—“necessary,” that is, in the minds of those who are unable to see, or who choose not to see, that there are other reasons than conflict for the existence of Earth and man.
    The Spanish application of this tactic of the secret war is interesting and threatens us all. In this case, the two army officers had been ordered to attack a town, with regular Spanish troops (albeit some of them disguised as natives), and to make it look and feel realistic. As undercover warriors, they were trained to do this. (No doubt, some were trained in the United States, where many of the weapons, activities, and techniques mentioned below are used in training.) Under other conditions at other times, these

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