A man is particular in his requirements for a lady to help him raise his daughter.”
“Yes, it must be someone he could trust completely regarding not only character but also social graces. Would it not be better for you to take Victoria to London with you, where you could keep a sharper eye on her and her companion?”
Marndale’s head jerked up in surprise at my suggestion. He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully, frowning. He was interested, but something in the idea displeased him. “Do you think it would do?” he asked doubtfully. “It is the question of propriety that bothers me.”
“Where is the impropriety in hiring a companion for your daughter? Why should it be more improper in London than here?”
“What would Mrs. Irvine do? Return to Bath?”
The question seemed totally irrelevant. His meaning did not sink in for sixty seconds. “Mrs. Irvine? Good God, Marndale, you cannot think I meant for you to hire me!”
It is seldom that one sees the curious sight of a gentleman blushing. Marndale spluttered and blustered a moment, but there was no hope of concealing his error. “As you and Vickie are getting on so famously, I thought ... Actually it would be an excellent idea. You want to go to London, and I want an unexceptionable companion for my daughter.” His eyes glowed with approval of the companion he had in mind. “You see now my concern for propriety. With Mrs. Irvine here there is nothing amiss in your visit, but for a gentleman to go hiring a companion for his daughter plus a companion for his daughter’s companion—well, it would be bound to raise speculation.”
“I should think so. And in any case, I thought you understood that I do not propose to continue in anyone’s employment now that I am financially independent.”
“You have heard the old saw: Hope springs eternal ... About your friend—Miss Hopkins, is it?” he said, but I think he just wanted to quit the embarrassment of his error. “You mentioned a colleague of yours who might be suitable.”
“Yes, Miss Hopkins, but she is no older than myself. Surely you have any number of young female servants. Would it be improper to hire another as companion to Victoria?”
“A companion is in a different category—not a servant, exactly. She is a gentlewoman. More care is required for her reputation.”
“Do you not have a housekeeper in London who might play propriety?”
“Yes, but you intimated Miss Hopkins might be too soft to handle Victoria.”
“Victoria has improved. And if you were to be on hand on a regular basis, that would be a further incentive for her to behave. Really I think giving her more duties would do the trick. Will you write to Miss Hopkins?”
“Perhaps. I’ll think about it a little more. Now I must wash up for luncheon.”
At the noon meal Victoria assumed her place at the foot of the table, at the other end of the board from her father. She made a hostessy business of welcoming Mrs. Irvine and myself to the table and inquiring for our comfort. It was really quite amusing to watch her play off her airs and graces.
Immediately luncheon was over Marndale went into his office and remained there till dinnertime. Victoria took her new duties so seriously that she seldom left the housekeeper’s skirt tails. She made an occasional foray into her father’s study to discover how many guests she might expect and how long they would stay and so on. About the only contribution I made to all her plans was to suggest she keep notes, which she did.
I sat with her in the late afternoon to learn who was coming. It was a short but impressive roster of guests, mostly political gentlemen and their wives.
“How shall I entertain the ladies while the gentlemen work, Jennie?” she asked. “They will be older ladies, you know, so I cannot do anything too strenuous, like riding.”
“You could drive them into Chillingfold. Ladies usually like to see the shops and the village.”
This meager suggestion was noted
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