Jackie Draws a Straight

Jackie Draws a Straight by Patricia Green Page B

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Authors: Patricia Green
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between them and cupped her cheek in his big hand. "You can stare, you can touch, you can lick, you can suck, you can welcome me into you. What I have is yours, Jackie."
    Closing her eyes, her head swam with a combination of embarrassment and desire. Sometimes, he did the most irresistible things. Her middle was whirling. The idea that they were going to have sex in three weeks, after she'd waited a lifetime, was awesome. That amazing wetness started between her legs. She wondered briefly if she could reach a wonderful orgasm again by hearing him say sexy things alone.
    Inadequate though she felt the words to be, all she could think of to say to him was, "Me, too."
    He smiled and kissed her. It was a tender kiss, searching, coaxing her to open to him and encouraging her to kiss him back. Jackie wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the freedom of her nakedness against his clothed body . She was like a sleek cat, rubbing herself against her master. The lump in his pants got bigger and harder; she felt it strongly against her belly.
    With a small moan, Pete deepened their kiss, his hands moving from the small of her back down to her bottom. The pain was immediate and Jackie flinched and pulled her mouth away.
    "Ah," he said. "Sorry. You might be a little uncomfortable sitting for a day or so."
    Jackie's pout formed , and she wanted a little retribution so she rubbed her tummy against his erection suggestively. "You're a stern taskmaster, Dr. Kaminsky."
    He laughed and kissed her on the nose, then stepped back from her. "Don't you forget it." Pete moved a pace away and turned back. "I meant what I said, Jackie. If you misbehave, I'll spank you again."
    "Will you cuddle with me, too?"
    "Anytime you like, spanking or no."
    So long as the spanking wasn't required for the cuddling, it seemed like a good arrangement. She'd try to be better behaved in the future. And she wouldn't burn the switch, no matter how much she wanted to. Who knew what he'd get to replace it?

    Chapter 7
    On Wednesday, Jackie hurried home from work early. She'd invited Pete to dinner with her family and it both excited her and filled her with dread. Leo would be there, along with Ace, Gabby and their indomitable housekeeper, Consuelo. It wasn't the first time she'd had a date to dinner, but it was by far the most important occasion.
    As she set the table, she had a pleasant conversation with Consuelo about the first marriage counseling session with their priest. It had gone well, the first meeting consisting primarily of Pete giving the particulars of his church upbringing and filling out some forms so that Father Roskovy could get his church records from Lubbock. Jackie hoped every session would be as easygoing and light, but she knew they'd eventually get into areas that made everyone uncomfortable. Father Roskovy had his agenda, and genial as he was, he wasn't going to go too far off-track. But s he was willing to make compromises and had the impression that Pete would, too.
    "Just think, niña, someday soon you'll be setting the table in your new home for your new husband," Consuelo said with a smile as she stirred molé sauce.
    Jackie grinned. Yes, that was going to be a wonderful thing, a dream come true. "I know. I can hardly wait."
    "Be patient," Consuelo advised. "Enjoy preparing for your wedding. It'll be a special day."
    "You'll come with me shopping for a dress this weekend, won't you?"
    "You might want to shop only for fabric, though. My sister, Marguerita can easily make you a very beautiful dress. Now that she's widowed, she has plenty of time."
    Sobering somewhat at the reminder of Consuelo's family grief, Jackie was still excited by the prospect of having a wedding dress made for her. Her mama's gown hadn't been preserved well and was yellowed and somewhat tattered. "I would love that, Connie. Thank you."
    The older woman nodded brusquely. "It's settled. I'll ask Marguerita to join us for the trip. She'll have all sorts of

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