It's My Life

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Book: It's My Life by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
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him on the bus, we'd actually been talking about the pitfalls of dating and people getting hurt. At the time, I wasn't too sure she believed me, but maybe now she will.
    Then Josh told me he was leaving for college the following day, and he slipped a little handwritten card into my hand with his college address on it. “Do you think you could write to me, Catie?” he asked in a shy sort of way, quickly adding, “Just as friends, of course. I know how you like to write and everything, and I think it'd be fun to hear how you're doing, and what the youth group's up to and all that good hometown stuff.”
    I assured him, I'd love to correspond. “Just don't get the wrong message if I write some really long letters. I dotend to get carried away with writing sometimes.”
    “That'd be great. I'll appreciate whatever you send.” Then he said maybe he'd see me at Thanksgiving vacation, and I told him to enjoy college and that I'd be praying for him, and then (to my complete embarrassment) I got a little weepy, but I think he kind of liked it.
    Zach's leaving for college next week too. He seems a little worried about it. I know he's got a lot on his plate. Even though he has a full athletic scholarship, he still has to work to pay for his room and board. I really hope it goes well for him; he's been through a lot lately. Beanie told me that they plan to keep in touch with letters too. “But only as friends,” she assured me, as if I've suddenly become the girl-guy relationship gestapo. Not!
    When I got home, I counted out the donations in the coffee tin–to the grand total of $438.71!!! And I'm thinking that'll feed those kids for at least a month or more.
    Anyway, I have the phone number of the mission, so I decided to call with my good news the next morning before I went to work. Of course, I had to leave a message, asking Alex to return my call, but thankfully, he hadn't left for college yet and was still down there.
    But before he called me back, I put up my Mexico display (poster board and photos) in the lunchroom at work, along with a tin can for charitable donations that said, “Feed the kids” (I'm learning!). And now you wouldn't believe it, but everyone just kept talking about my photos and how sad the garbage dump business was, and when I checked the can at the end of the day on Thursday, ithad $187.34 in it. And by the time I left today it had even more! And I think I'll leave it there for a while to allow everyone at work the chance to be “blessed,” as Aunt Steph would say.
    So, when Alex called me this morning and I told him I've already collected almost $700 in donations, he's like totally jazzed! He said he has to leave for school soon, but he's got a guy named Hal Royer lined up to take over for him. I met Hal once; he's an older guy who does a lot of maintenance around the mission, kind of quiet, but really sweet spirited, as I recall. So, anyway, Hal is my new contact and everything will be sent care of him. Not only that, but I think I'll put a collection can (with photos) at church every Sunday, and maybe even a box for donating used clothing for kids. And, well, I'm just getting all sorts of ideas. This is going to be fun!
    But like I said, I'm really beat right now. And even though it's a Friday night, I'm completely content to stay home and just hang with the family. And I don't think they mind a bit. Dad and Ben went out to rent some videos and pick up a box of Dove ice cream bars (a treat I haven't had since before Mexico), and I'm supposed to make some popcorn, so I'd better get at it!
Sunday, September 2 (is that really you, God?)
    I'm feeling a little confused today. Or maybe overwhelmed or perhaps just challenged. I'm just not sure what it is exactly. But I'm feeling something–that's for sure!
    Pastor Tony had this friend who's a missionary in Brazil speak in our church today. Kind of interesting, since we've had all this focus on Mexico lately. I guess we're becoming a real

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