Island of Darkness
    “We must do what we have planned to do,” MistyTrail shook her head. “Say goodbye to HawkShadow for me when you see him. I did not have a chance to do so myself.”
    “That I shall do,” promised Temiker as he turned and walked towards Fuster.
    Mistake watched Temiker and Fuster turn and ride out of the village. She threw her pack into the boat and encouraged MistyTrail to do the same. Gerock dragged his new boat through the surf until it rested next to his old one.
    “So you are going to be sailors?” smiled Gerock. “Do you plan to fish? Don’t know of too many female fishermen.”
    “The boat is for our poor villagers,” Mistake replied. “They don’t have any boat at all. This will be quite a surprise for them.”
    “No boat at all?” frowned Gerock. “I knew times were tough, but a village without a single boat is a sad thing indeed. Had I known, I would have been tempted to give it to you even without the new boat from Temiker. How will you get it there?”
    “We will sail it there,” boasted Mistake. “We are going to leave now. Would you be so kind as to push us through the surf?”
    “With pleasure,” nodded Gerock as he placed his hands on the bow of the boat. “Get in.”
    Mistake and MistyTrail climbed into the boat. Gerock grunted as he shoved the boat off the sand beach. He waded into the water waist deep before turning the boat around.
    “Hoist the sail,” ordered Gerock. “There is a good breeze to take you offshore.”
    Mistake grabbed a line and pulled the sail upward. She tied off the line as Fuster had done when they had left port in Alamar. Gerock pushed hard on the boat until he was chest deep in water. With a final push, he raised his arm high and waved goodbye. Mistake crouched in the stern of the boat and grabbed the tiller. It took her some time to steady the boat on a northeast course.
    “There are not any seats in this old boat,” complained MistyTrail as she sat on the floor. “How long will this trip take?”
    “I don’t know,” shrugged Mistake as she looked down and saw an overturned bucket.
    She sat on the bucket and turned to watch the shoreline receding.
    “We are making good speed,” Mistake commented. “You keep an eye out for land in front of us.”
    “I don’t think we will see it just yet,” replied MistyTrail. “I have seen a map before, and I think Fakara is a long ways off.”
    “But we are moving quickly,” countered Mistake as she watched the sail fill with wind. “I bet we will be there before we know it.”

Chapter 7
Emperor Vand
    Marak heard soft voices not too far away. He opened his eyes and stared into the darkness. As he turned his head to the side, he saw that he was in the entry foyer of the old temple. Two figures sat outside the doorway around a fire. He sat up and stretched, feeling slightly sore all over. With a yawn, Marak rose and stepped out the door. Ukaro and Tmundo immediately turned to stare at him.
    “I feel like I have slept for hours,” remarked Marak as he walked down the stairs and sat on a log near the fire. “Is that tea?”
    Ukaro nodded and poured him a cup. “You had me worried, son,” Ukaro said as he handed the cup to Marak. “What happened in there?”
    “I guess I fell asleep,” shrugged Marak. “I had such strange dreams. Why are you here, Tmundo?”
    “I became concerned when you did not return,” answered the Kywara leader. “I felt that I should travel here to find if anything was wrong.”
    “I wasn’t aware that our speedy return was of importance,” shrugged Marak. “You said that you would send a runner to Fardale to tell them that I would be away for a few days.”
    “It has already been a few days,” Ukaro said as he stared at his son. “You must be hungry. I will get you some food.”
    “A few days?” echoed Marak with a puzzled frown. “That is not possible.”
    “With Kaltara,” replied Tmundo, “anything is possible. Tell us about your dreams.”
    Marak sat

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