Island Idyll
    She didn’t have any answers. She just knew she did.
    “Fuck me, Josh,” she pleaded, not wanting to wait one more second to get his cock inside her.
    She should be nervous. Should be worried. He was bigger than Ben. Significantly bigger. And Ben was already inside her. Filling her ass. How could she take Josh in as well?
    The question was, how could she not? Her pussy felt empty. Achy. Hollow. Something was missing.
    Josh was missing. She pulled at his legs, insisting he shuffle down the bed, inserting himself beneath her. It took a couple seconds of awkward maneuvering, all three of them seeking a more comfortable position, but finally he was there. Under her. His mouth level with hers, his dick below her pussy. And Ben was behind her, inside her.
    Josh hadn’t let go of his shaft, she realized. His hand was still wrapped around it, and he used that hand to tap the tip of his cock on her clit.
    Holy fuck. That felt unbelievable.
    “Kiss me,” she demanded, and dropped her mouth to his before he could object.
    He didn’t try. He simply met her mouth with his, let his tongue seek entry between her lips, and kissed her so sweetly, another tear slipped from her eye.
    The island air spun its magic web around them.
    Ben ran his hand over her back, a feathery tingle down her spine. He thrust into her, over and over, his balls bouncing against her pussy. God, her entire pussy pulsed. Her ass too. A million nerve endings had awoken from deep slumber, just for this moment.
    Josh used his hand to glide his cock over her clit, stroking it over and over. It swelled beneath his touch, beneath his cock. Tingled. Shuddered. Exploded.
    The cream in her pussy gushed out, soaking Josh’s shaft. Her ass clamped around Ben’s dick, and Ben swore loudly as he groaned in pleasure.
    While her pussy still pulsed, Josh guided himself to her entrance and pushed inside. He stopped halfway in, panting. His eyes were closed, his mouth clenched in concentration.
    “Oh, God. Oh, God,” Sienna mumbled, mindless. So much pleasure. So much bliss. It was like a frenzy of orgasms for her.
    Full. So full.
    Josh thrust into her, his hips coming off the bed.
    Ben gasped.
    Full, so very, very full. She couldn’t move. Didn’t try.
    “Holy fuck! Josh. Do that again.” It wasn’t Sienna who moaned the plea. It was Ben.
    “Anything for her,” Josh groaned. “Anything.” He drove into her, seating himself fully inside her.
    “Fuck, yeah,” Ben rasped hoarsely. He leaned over and kissed her neck.
    Sienna felt his action deep, deep, deep inside. So did Josh. He moaned the second Ben moved.
    Both of them were seated fully inside her.
    Full, so full. So good. Oh, God, so good!
    “Your go,” Josh told Ben, just a second before he took Sienna’s mouth, jut a second before Ben withdrew from her ass. As he began to pump back inside her, Josh withdrew, filling her again only when Ben pulled out.
    God, they were fucking her in rhythm, filling her one at a time. In her entire life, Sienna had never been more aroused, more alive. She had never experienced such bone-deep pleasure. Had the world ended right then, Sienna would die a contented, happy woman.
    But the world didn’t end. It continued to electrify and stimulate, continued to provide rapture beyond her wildest dreams.
    Josh’s lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth. Ben’s hands on her hips, his lips leaving soft kisses down her spine.
    Whether they made love to her for a minute or an hour Sienna couldn’t tell. Time lost meaning. Her world became a multihued mass of color, reds and greens, violets and pinks, purples and blues, all exploding behind her eyelids.
    It was Ben’s shout of surrender that made her eyes open.
    “Coming,” he yelled. “God, help me, I’m coming.” He jerked behind her, buried himself in her ass and stilled for a second before his dick began to pump inside her. Over and over, emptying itself. “Hard. Coming so fucking hard,” Ben gasped.
    Josh continued to

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