Irresistible Fear

Irresistible Fear by A. Meredith Walters Page B

Book: Irresistible Fear by A. Meredith Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Meredith Walters
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you say Emily? About, I don’t know…trying us again.”  Emily opened her mouth but Jeremy hurried on. “I mean, we can just…I don’t know, like go on a date or something. I’m not talking soul mate, together forever stuff here. I just want a chance to really be with you.” Jeremy’s voice was hushed, barely above a whisper.  Emily again sat quietly, taking it all in. 
    What was wrong with her that she couldn’t have a relationship with someone?  And Jeremy was a nice, good looking guy who really liked her.  Before she could talk herself out of it, she impulsively leaned over and kissed Jeremy, her lips finding his eager mouth.  She tried to ignore the immediate “oh shit” reaction she had. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this. The thought was intense and undeniable. But she desperately wanted to feel something, anything. She also knew she was weak, and a total ass for using Jeremy like this.
    Jeremy wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.  Emily panicked and resisted the urge to struggle against his hold on her.  The kiss was…okay.  It’s not like she saw fireworks or anything but it was surprisingly pleasant.  And his mouth was warm against hers.  Kissing had never been their problem.
    At that moment Sasha burst into the kitchen and they jumped apart.  “Emily!  There you are!”  Sasha was flushed and breathing heavily.  She looked from Emily to Jeremy.  “Um, am interrupting something?”  If looks could kill, the glare Jeremy shot Sasha would have dropped her dead.  “No, it’s okay.  I really have to get home.  I’m super tired and I have to work tomorrow.  Sash, are you ready?”  “I could give you a ride.”  Jeremy offered, his look saying so much more.  Trying to be sensitive to his feelings, she let him down gently.  “That’s okay Jer, you really need to stay at your party.  Sasha’s ready, right?”
Emily gave Sasha a pointed look.  “Oh yeah, I’m totally ready.”  Sasha allowed herself to be herded out of the kitchen.  “Emily, Can I call you tomorrow?”  Jeremy asked, following them outside.  “Sure Jeremy.  Enjoy the rest of your party.”  Emily smiled at him and practically ran to the car.
    Emily attempted to head off the eventual interrogation. “I see you are in one piece. Did you find Lisa and Derek?” The distraction worked. Sasha was obviously chomping at the bit to share the details. “Uh, yeah actually. They were definitely hooking up. I think I may have made a bit of an ass out of myself.” Sasha affected a grimace. Emily patted her arm. “It’s nothing that won’t have spread all over the school by now.” Sasha groaned. “Ugg! I’m so swearing of guys! They are nothing but trouble. But it felt good to punch Lisa in the nose.” “You did what?!?” Emily yelled. Sasha laughed. “Just kidding. I didn’t really punch her. Though, I definitely thought about it. Just making sure you were listening.”
    There was a brief moment of silence and then…”So, wow, what did I walk in on back there?” Sasha let her question wander off and was silent while she buckled her seat belt and set the car into drive. Sasha was being decidedly un- Sasha like. Emily had expected a more explosive response. Emily looked at her friend out of the corner of her eye. Okay, this was obviously just the calm before the storm.
    As predicted, once Sasha pulled out onto the street, she launched into it.  “OH MY GOD!”  Sasha screamed.  Emily jumped.  “Whoa Sash. Relax! You’ll get us both killed.”  Emily said through gritted teeth.  “Did I seriously just see you kissing Jeremy?  What happened to ‘he’s not my type?’”  Sasha imitated her perfectly.  Emily shrugged.  “I don’t know. I guess I was feeling vulnerable.”  Emily said sarcastically.  “Does this mean you’re together now?”  Sasha asked.  “No…I don’t know.”  Emily was confused and she couldn’t get rid of the nagging thought that she

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