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Book: Interrupted by Zondervan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zondervan
eyebrows. “And Russell certainly has that down to a point.”
    I couldn’t help laughing as I picked up a box of cereal and dropped it into my basket. We continued down the aisle, grinning widely at the people around us. “Charlie,” I said out of the side of my mouth. “He’s five foot six and carries around a pet poodle.”
    Charlie examined a box and smiled coyly. “I’ve always considered myself a dog lover.”
    “More like a gold lover,” I muttered.
    “Cash, dear! Cold hard cash! Besides, Russell’s not bad looking. You make him sound absolutely dreadful.”
    I raised my eyebrows and dragged Charlie toward the checkout. The boy behind the counter helped us load our groceries and rang them up. I exhaled obnoxiously at Charlie. “I suppose if you’re into the gangly, feminized type …”
    “What?” I widened my eyes innocently. Then I saw Charlie’s face. She was serious. I composed my features and pulled out my ration stamps, handing them to the grocer. “Fine. You can have Russell, if you really want him. I’ll try to break the news to him tomorrow.”
There’s nothing I’d enjoy more
    “Thank you, darling! I owe you.” Charlie reached over and squeezed me, her perfume overwhelming my nose for a brief second. But I smiled and squeezed her back.
    A bell dinged at the front of the shop and Debra Wilkinsonsashayed in. When she spotted us, her eyes lit up. I cringed and tried to avert my face, but Charlie grabbed my arm. I shot her a look before turning to smile at Debra. “Here’s your chance,” I whispered out of the side of my mouth. “Impress Russell’s mother.”
    “Allie and Charlotte!” Debra cooed as she rushed up to us, holding out her arms. “What a lovely surprise!”
    “Mrs. Wilkinson,” I oozed back.
    “Allie, darling, did Beatrice tell you about a little party I’m hosting next week? It’s a sort of benefit—you know, for the war effort. I
hope you can come.” She simpered at Charlie as an afterthought. “Both of you.”
    “I’m sorry, Mrs. Wilkinson, but I —”
. Charlie had dug her clawlike fingernails into my arm. I fought back a wince.
    “We’d love to,” Charlie purred, flashing Mrs. Wilkinson one of her hundred-watt smiles.
    I tried to discreetly shake my head at her, but she refused to look my way. I grinned, trying to mask my pain. “I’ll pass the message on to Beatrice.”
    “Oh, thank you, Allie! You’re an angel!” Mrs. Wilkinson beamed at me. I thought I saw her raise an eyebrow coolly to Charlie before passing on.
    As soon as she was out of sight, I dropped the smile and ripped Charlie’s hand off my arm. “What were you thinking? Do you want me to die of mental insanity at that party?”
    Charlie’s eyes shot to the ceiling. “Allie, it can’t be that bad. Besides, where else would I wear my blue gingham and ensure that Russell sees me?”
    The thought of trying to impress Russell made me gag.I grabbed my bags from the clerk and turned to go. “Really, Charlie, don’t you think you’re being a little —”
    “Who’s Russell?” a voice asked.
    I yelped and whipped around. Sam Carroll was standing behind me with that silly smirk, his hands in his pockets. I put a hand over my mouth. “You scared me.”
    “So I see.” Sam gave me a wry look. “Seems to be a habit of mine.”
    “Russell is a friend,” Charlie said. “A good friend. And you are?”
    Sam swept into a bow right in the middle of the grocery store. “Sam Carroll, your ladyship.”
    Charlie giggled as he kissed her hand. “Delighted.”
    This was sort of sick. Sam and Charlie?
    “Sam, this is Charlotte Cooper,” I muttered.
    “May I call you Charlie, Miss Cooper?” Sam asked, the perfect gentleman.
    “I shall be quite mad if you don’t.”
    Whatever happened to Russell?
The girl was positively fickle!
    I flung one of the brown paper bags at Charlie before slinging the other on my hip, suddenly feeling like an ugly duckling stuck outside

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