Intentions - SF9

Intentions - SF9 by Susan X Meagher Page B

Book: Intentions - SF9 by Susan X Meagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan X Meagher
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
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decided I wanted to get to know Jack better and asked him over."
    "Bu…but…he was my fiancé," Jamie gaped, grabbing onto Ryan's arm to stop her progress. "I had the distinct impression that you and Ally had a much more casual relationship than that."
    Feeling intensely uncomfortable discussing her feelings for the other woman, Ryan consciously decided to back off. "We were much more casual than that, Jamie. I'm not saying that I don't want her to come-I'm just saying that, as a rule, I'd prefer to agree on things like this beforehand. Is that really asking for much?"
    The blonde shook her head. "No, it's not. I'm sorry, Ryan, but my curiosity just took over. Why don't you call her and tell her that something came up? It's not worth doing if it makes you uncomfortable."
    "No, it's fine," Ryan said, even though she wasn't at all sure that it was fine. "She was an important person in my life, and I do want to maintain the friendship, so now's as good a time as any."
    They took a short detour on the way home, stopping in front of Rory's Scoop Shop. Looking up at the sign, Jamie asked, "Ice cream? This close to home?"
    "Yeah," Ryan agreed. "It's good. Probably my second favorite place. They mix up Oreos and M & M's and other kinds of candy into the ice cream. I think you'll like it."
    Grabbing her arm once again, Jamie looked up at her with an amused smile. "You mean to tell me that we could have been coming here for all of these months? This is three times closer to home than Double Rainbow!"
    "I know," Ryan agreed, "but I like Double Rainbow about…oh, I'd say five percent more."
    Jamie shook her head and took Caitlin out of her stroller, telling her, "One day when you grow up you'll be able to drive your boyfriend or girlfriend just a crazy as Ryan makes me. Won't that be fun? Yes!" she smiled as the baby enthusiastically agreed.
    Jim Evans fought through the choked traffic around National Airport late on Sunday night, cursing himself for not sending a limo. He was early, much earlier than he usually was for appointments, but he had been nearly out of his mind with boredom and loneliness for the last three days and couldn't wait to leave his hotel. Why did I come to Washington three days before I absolutely had to? he grumbled to himself as he steered the car around the unfamiliar airport. If I'd waited until today I could have come out with Kayla and had someone to keep me company.
    His thoughts focused on the young redhead, smiling to himself as he recalled her elation at being asked to accompany him to Washington. He didn't let himself believe that she was that ecstatic just to be in his company. Kayla was as determined and as ambitious as he had been at her age, and that was saying a lot. Being a junior legislative aide to a United States senator was a very prestigious opportunity for a young woman not two years out of law school, and he knew that Kayla would throw herself into the job with all of her usual passion. He gave himself credit for at least sleeping with a hard-working, bright young woman. I probably would have offered the job to Kayla even if we weren't involved, he thought to himself. Of course, we'll never know at this point.
    He found a short-term lot close to the United terminal and quickly ran to the building, his anxiety palpable. She'll think you're out of your mind if you act as excited to see her as you really are, he chided himself. Women don't like to be smothered. Especially young women. You think you would have learned that lesson from Jamie.
    The flight was on time, and he consciously forced himself not to crowd around the gate to greet her. He was sitting in a chair, acting as though he was reading "The Economist" when she approached. "Senator Evans," she said, her voice cordial and respectful.
    He almost stood and kissed her, then remembered that he was now a public figure and might be recognized at any time. Mentally slapping himself, he raised his voice in case anyone was eavesdropping

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