
Inhuman by Danielle Q. Lee Page B

Book: Inhuman by Danielle Q. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Q. Lee
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I somehow knew we’d reached our destination.
    Peeking out from the side of the blanket, I beheld the familiar sight of the cave. Carrying me in, we were greeted by an already roaring bonfire. Placing me in front of the fire, I shivered uncontrollably as I thrust my frozen hands toward the blaze. Even though they stung terribly from the thaw, I welcomed the heat with open arms.
    The man sat on the other side of the fire, only his eyes visible from beneath the fur-lined hood of his parka. His brown eyes glinted from the waving flames of the fire as he stared at me. A kindness dwelt behind the windows of his soul.
    Somehow, through some unspoken exchange, I knew this man loved me. Raising his hands to his head, he began to pull the hood away from his face.
    Just as the fur lining moved past the frame of his face, I felt my consciousness stirring.
    I cried out in my dream as the image of his face blurred and I was thrust back into the reality of my cell. As lucidity flooded back into my system, I cursed the timing of my awakening.
    Rubbing my eyes and stretching, I felt the odd sensation of being watched.
    It was then I realized—I was not alone.
    “I’m sorry…I thought you were gone for a shower. I’ll come back later.” The woman dressed in a maid’s uniform uttered as she turned, dragging her mop and bucket on wheels behind her.
    “Hey wait, who are you?” Sitting up on the cot, my interest piqued as I looked at the unfamiliar face.
    I had noticed that every time I’d come back from having a shower that my cell had been cleaned. The floor, toilet and sink were always sparkling and my sheets had been changed. I guess it never occurred to me to wonder exactly who was doing this. It makes sense that even they would have a cleaning staff of potentially harmless people.
    Noting her hesitation, I decided to go first.
    “I’m Cassia.” Rising from the cot, I extended my hand in greeting. Her dark brown eyes shifted warily from my face to my hand. It was apparent she knew about me and my weird blood. Or maybe all the prisoners here were odd in some way and she had just learned to keep her distance.
    “I…have to go.” Clutching the wooden handle of her mop nervously, she turned to leave.
    “Please,” I pleaded, “I need to know something. Please.” Keeping my voice steady, I only wanted to know one thing from this woman who walked freely through the facility. Pausing at the open door, she looked up.
    “The little girl. Jessica. Is she…okay?” I wholeheartedly expected her to respond with good news. Hopefully, the little girl was just fine or, even better, released and allowed to live a normal life.
    The woman’s paled expression, however, dampened my expectations.
    “I’m not allowed to talk about…things that go on here.” She turned and moved quickly out the door. Lunging for the door before it slammed shut, I managed to get my fingers caught before it closed.
    “Please! I just want to know if she’s okay!” I screamed as I tried to pry the door open. Someone on the other side smashed the protruding tips of my fingers with something hard. Shrieking in pain, I instinctively pulled my fingers away and held them to my chest. Throbbing and swelling, I thought for a moment that a couple of them were broken.
    Jessica. What did they do to you?
    Tears ran down my face as I pictured the beautiful little girl with the ocean blue eyes. I laid my hands protectively over my stomach as I realized my baby’s potential future.
    I have to get you out of here.
    I hoped with all my heart that Keanu’s plan would work, otherwise, I was going to go with Plan B.
    If we don’t escape today, sweet baby, mommy will make it so they can’t hurt either of us.
    Chapter 12
    Leaving the safety of my cell, I followed the guard down the hall to the showers. The hallway seemed much longer than usual today; probably because it was the last time I was ever going to see it,

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