retreat into the heights when harried, but here they have learned to use the woods to keep themselves hidden. They enjoy ambushing unwary hunters and travelers, and have acquired a taste for horse meat.”
    “The greater the challenge, the greater the victory,” Sendarus said without conceit.
    “Ah, the courage of youth,” Usharna said. “But Orkid is right, this is a dangerous time of the year for hunting the bear. I will send some of the guards with you.”
    “What a magnificent woman!” Amemun said for the third time in an hour.
    Orkid, riding by his side, smiled to himself and nodded. There were some things he despised about Kendra and its suzerainty over his homeland, but Usharna made up for almost all of it. Twenty years ago, when he had been Sendarus’ age and the younger brother of Aman’s new king, he had been sent to Kendra as part of his home’s tribute. More hostage than guest, he had hated everything about the city then, but he worked hard—and according to the plan he and Marin had worked out together—to place himself in a position of trust with the kingdom’s new ruler. Back then, Usharna was not only a sole child but a woman, and her ascension to the throne had not been a sure thing. The fact that her father had himself passed on to her the Keys of Power, and the fact that in Kendra’s dim past it had been ruled by another queen, gave her the opportunity to prove herself. And prove herself she did. And Orkid had helped her, first as a minor court official and then as chancellor. But, brutally honest with himself, he knew she would have flourished with or without his assistance. She had the ability to choose good men and women for positions of power, either on her executive council or as leaders of the various organizations tied to her, such as the church, the merchant guilds and the theurgia. Regrettably, she had been less fortunate with her husbands.
    “I never thought I’d live to see a monarch—a woman, no less!—thrash a nobleman like that,” Amemun continued. “I can see why you are so devoted to her, my friend.”
    Orkid heard something crash through the brush up ahead, and looked around anxiously for any sign of danger. It turned out only to be an outrider rejoining the hunt trail. He exhaled in relief and relaxed the grip on his bear spear. It had been a long time since he had been on a hunt, and the tension was getting to him.
    “Are you equally devoted to the daughter?” Amemun asked suddenly.
    “What do you mean by that?” Orkid asked.
    “I mean, do you see Usharna in Areava?”
    Orkid frowned. He was not sure he liked the line of questioning. It sounded like something Marin would ask, not his old tutor. He laughed aloud then. Of course, it
Marin asking him. Amemun was acting as messenger again.
    “I see Areava as the key to our plans in Kendra.”
    Amemun nodded, apparently satisfied with the answer.
    There was a “Haroo!” from up ahead, and the sounds of horses being kicked into a canter.
    “That’s it!” Orkid cried to Amemun. “They’ve found our quarry! Hurry, or we’ll be left behind!”
    The two men dug in their heels and their mounts surged up the trail. The low brush gave way to scattered conifers that towered over them, reaching for the sky. They caught up with the main group, now scattering among the trees to take up flanking positions on either side of the royal party. Somewhere ahead, one of the outriders had seen or smelled one of the great bears and given the call.
    Orkid and Amemun reined in their horses to a walk and hefted their spears under their arms, the blades pointed toward the ground in front of them. They eased up next to Sendarus and Areava. Orkid stole a glance at the princess, and had to admit she reminded him of the young Usharna. In her youth, the queen had possessed the same long hair the color of summer corn and the wiry frame that held surprising strength and speed. Areava was taller, more angular, but he knew as she got older

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