InHap*pily Ever After (Incidental Happenstance)

InHap*pily Ever After (Incidental Happenstance) by Kim DeSalvo Page B

Book: InHap*pily Ever After (Incidental Happenstance) by Kim DeSalvo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim DeSalvo
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yesterday, and we have bloody little time, so here we are.”
added, “Judging by the number of cars in the street, I’m guessing it’s pretty
crowded tonight…” Sean nodded. “So I thought that maybe the easiest way to
reintroduce him would be to do it in one shot—tell the story once, and then
just hang out so Dylan can get reacquainted with everyone. Do you think you
could get on the mic and get it done?”
I can totally do that,” he grinned. “I’d be glad to.”
enthusiasm gave Tia pause. “No celebrity stuff, Sean, OK? That’s not what this
is about.”
worry, I do have some class. I have to call it up from the very depths of my
being, but I can pull it off, don’t worry.”
worried at all, my friend,” Dylan said with confidence. “The thing is, Tia and
I are serious about each other, and I want her friends to be my friends—not
because I’m a fucking celebrity, but because I’m part of her life.” He smirked,
and added, “And because I’m a hell of a guy.” 
get it,” Sean confirmed with an uncharacteristic seriousness in his voice.
“Really. Consider it handled.” He shook Dylan’s hand again. “Really good to see
you again, man.”
too,” Dylan said sincerely.
still owe me a poker night, you know,” he grinned.
soon as I possibly can,” Dylan smiled back.
jumped in. “Why don’t you send Paddy and Siobhan back so we can say hi to them
in private, too, before we do this whole thing.”
held up a paper shopping bag. “Good idea. I got a little something for Paddy
that I picked up over in Ireland on the tour.”
smiled. “If that’s what I think it is, then you’re fucking golden, man. I’ll go
get them.”
Master Dylan, I’m so glad to see you again!” Paddy exclaimed when he entered
the kitchen.  The two men shook hands, and Paddy pulled him into a rough hug.
Siobhan hugged Tia and then Dylan in turn. “It’s been much too long since our
paths have crossed. I must say, though, that with as much as Tia talks about
you, it’s almost like you’ve been here all along.”
smiled. “There are few places where I feel so welcome, that’s for sure. It’s
really good to be back.”
think this calls for a little celebration drink, don’t you?” Paddy said. “Still
have a taste for the Tully? It kind of gets under your skin, doesn’t it?”
it does,” Dylan grinned back. “And I know it’s your favorite, so I picked these
up for you when I was in Ireland a few months back…” he placed a bag on the
counter top, and Paddy reached inside, holding up a bottle with a glint in his
is the liquid gold!” he said. “When were you in Ireland?”
was one of the early stops on the tour,” Dylan answered. “One of the stops Tia
missed, unfortunately.” Paddy’s head turned in question, and Sean was quick to
make the clarification.
Paddy, this is Dylan Miller …you know…Incidental Happenstance?” Sean
added, “That’s Dylan’s band!”
recognition dawned on his face. “Well now, that name I definitely know! That
was my Nick’s favorite group—I think I probably know all of your songs,
too—they’re played on my stage all the time. Now that definitely calls for a
shot of Tully!”
least one,” Dylan winked. “Once we get the introductions done I want to get
another round for the house; but keep the good stuff for us, right?”
boy’s got to have some Irish in his blood somewhere!” Paddy exclaimed, smiling
at Tia and pouring a round for the little group huddled in the kitchen. Sean
downed his and headed out into the bar to make the announcement. 
Here!” Sean said into the mic, in his usual Paddy’s greeting.
here?” came the standard answer from the patrons.
up, everyone,” he started. “I have some news to share with you and I need

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