    “Shit? Did you just call my work shit?”
    “I didn’t mean it like that, I –”
    “You know what? Fuck you. Why don’t you go home and sleep in your bed tonight.”
    “What fucking bed?” He yelled, his French coming out as he waved his arms and glared at her. “I can’t sleep without you. I can’t half fucking breathe unless you’re near, touching me. I wait all day to see you, refrain from calling to give you time to work, and now you banish me for pliers and unfinished metal? Fuck you!”
    Margot tossed her tools down and sighed. “What do you want?”
    “You,” he said promptly.
    “No, not right now. What do you want, Nori.”
    “I want you to be mine.”
    “Your girlfriend?”
    “For now.”
    She stared at him as she considered. “Okay.”
    Nori released a harsh breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “You are mine.”
    “Faithful only to me.”
    “Yeah, and vice versa.”
    “Yes,” he agreed impatiently. “Of course.”
    He made a move toward her, but she held up a hand.
    “But if we do this? You can’t come between me and my work. I’ll try to save my nights for you. But sometimes you’re gonna have to share me with my muse. I can’t be aggravated like this. You’re fucking with my livelihood. Understand?”
    He nodded. “I’m sorry.”
    “No, I’m fuckin’ sorry. Tommy’s bubblehead ass sucked up hours today with a bunch of fucking dresses. She’s nuts.”
    Nori chuckled softly, and came forward to pull her into his arms. He nuzzled her neck, and she shivered as his soft, warm lips touched his favorite spot beneath her ear. Suddenly she didn’t feel much like working. Of course, now that she’d changed her mind, his phone buzzed.
    He read the incoming text with a frown.
    “Will you come to my house tonight? I now have a meeting early tomorrow morning, and there are some papers there that I need.”
    “Okay,” he agreed. “And bring your shit.”
    She gave him the side eye. “Watch it.”
    He just laughed.
    “What’s up?” she asked the doorman.
    “He’s met you twice and asks about you every time he sees me,” Nori told her as they rode up in the elevator.
    Margot just smirked. Then she stared. She’d seen it before, but it was still impressive that there were only two doors on his floor.
    She walked into his living room, re-admiring his stunning view of the lake. “You ever go out on the water?”
    “Yes. Shall I take you out this weekend?”
    “You have a boat?”
    “No. My father does.”
    “Forget it.”
    “He won’t be there!”
    “Just the two of us?”
    “We could invite Tommy and co. if you like.”
    He was pleased when she shook her head. “Nah. Tommy’s not a big boat person.”
    He sighed soundlessly. It would have been nice had her primary concern been to be alone with him. But he forgot his momentary pique as he watched her walk around. He smiled, smug and pleased when she kicked off her sandals and padded barefoot.
    “You want something to drink?” She opened the refrigerator.
    “Water, please.”
    She came back to the window with two bottles. “I thought you had to work.”
    “After I give you the tour. You weren’t here long enough before.”
    He led the way, opening doors for her to peek her head in. Gym, office, two guest bedrooms and bathroom, laundry room. When they got to his room, he had to rein in a laugh when she lay down on his perfectly made bed and made a snow angel with her arms and legs. It was her way of saying the bed was huge.
    “Make yourself at home.” He left her to it, wanting to finish work so he could take her in his bed for the first time.
    His phone rang. His assistant was trying to cram in as many details as possible now that she finally had his attention. “Yani. I got the email from Scott.”
    Three hours later, having crammed in nearly a days’ worth of work thanks to Yani’s skill and efficiency, and prepped sufficiently for his morning meeting, he sought her

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