In Winter's Grip

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Book: In Winter's Grip by Brenda Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Chapman
Tags: FIC000000, Mystery, FIC022040
home during the course of my marriage, if I’d cajoled her into the trip. I would have had to use my most persuasive arguments, because she’d hated travelling far from Duved Cove. She’d have politely toured my home and mouthed the appropriate words of approval. She’d even have gone so far as to tell me how lucky I was to have such a fine life, but inside I’d have known that she did not approve of my closetful of clothes and my expensive furnishings. What would have disappointed her most would have been that I was using my talent to make people look younger, but she would never have told me that. She’d just have come up with excuses for not returning to Ottawa, and I would have tried not to let on that I knew the real reason she would not visit again.
    Sonja stood to leave. She hesitated before saying, “Do you know that Katherine Lingstrom has been staying with her mother since Christmas?”
    I was surprised by her words. “I thought Katherine was married and living in Wisconsin?”
    Sonja nodded. “She was, but something has gone very wrong with her marriage. She’s had a breakdown of some sort and doesn’t want to see anybody. Her mother was out getting groceries last week, and we had coffee. She’s been very worried. I know that you and Katherine were best friends before you both moved away, so she thought you might want to know.”
    â€œThanks for telling me, Sonja. I will try to pay her a visit.” I ran a hand across my forehead. “I can’t believe it. Katherine was always so happy when I knew her as a kid.” We hadn’t been as close in our teenage years, but we’d spent our grade school years inseparable.
    â€œPeople can change a lot, Maja. Life isn’t always as kind as we’d like. Sometimes it damages people beyond repair.”
    I spotted Becky and Kevin Wilders standing in the doorway. Becky seemed to light up the room in all of her peacock blue splendour. She’d reapplied her eye makeup and lipstick; the bright colours were garish against her pale skin. Kevin had his arm around her shoulder and seemed to be saying something unpleasant into her ear, judging by the unhappy expression on her face. Curious, I skirted around a group of people until I got to them.
    â€œI’m glad you could make it,” I said, reaching out to shake Kevin’s hand. He hadn’t been able to remove traces of grease and car oil from the creases in his skin. “I thought the service went well.”
    â€œIt was lovely. Just lovely,” Becky said, stepping from the circle of Kevin’s arm.
    Kevin nodded. “I don’t like funerals as a rule, but this one was okay. Something to drink, Beck?” he asked, taking a step into the room. He looked at her over my head.
    â€œWe have wine in the kitchen,” I said.
    â€œOkay. A glass of red. Thanks, Kevin.” Becky took my arm and pulled me into the corner after he’d ambled away. “Have you told anybody about what we discussed?” She hissed the words into my ear.
    â€œNo, and nobody’s said anything to me either.”
    Her fingers on my arm relaxed. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know about your dad and me. Without coming right out and asking him, I’ve been trying to find out, because if Jonas knew, anyone could have. Lucky for me, Kevin isn’t all that bright when it comes to sex and relationships. He’s always at work in that garage or thinking about being at work. Shit, I could so use a cigarette, but Kevin thinks I’ve quit.”
    Was she honest with her husband about anything? “Do you know anything about my father’s partner at the border? Charlie something or other?”
    Becky nodded. “Charlie Mallory. He lives in Grand Portage. I was introduced to him once when I met your dad after work. It was when they were getting off night shift. Did you know Charlie is legally deaf? He lost his hearing

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