In the Arms of an Earl

In the Arms of an Earl by Anna Small Page B

Book: In the Arms of an Earl by Anna Small Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Small
Tags: Regency
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be worried.” She gasped when he gripped her shoulders and pulled her toward him. “Mr. Parker—”
    Her words were cut off by his mouth, which stuck to hers as if it had been glued there.
    Paralyzed with shock and confusion, she stood as still as one of the statues, her fists clenched. His lips moved frantically over hers, and she fought back a rise of hysteria. After a few moments of this, she struggled to escape the iron grip on her shoulders, but it was of little use. Fighting panic, she wondered if she should place her knee in a strategic part of his anatomy when a familiar voice broke through the sound of his heavy breathing.
    “Mr. Parker! Release Miss Brooke at once!”
    Jane stumbled when Jeremy thrust her away. Her hands trembled, and she held them out to her rescuer.
    “Colonel Blakeney, I didn’t know you were there.” Too late, she realized she ought to have expressed outrage at Jeremy.
    Ignoring her, the colonel glowered at Jeremy, whose face was red with what she hoped was well-deserved shame.
    “You’ll be lucky if I don’t box your ears for you,” the colonel growled, his eyes darkening. “As it is, you will marry her, by God, or I’ll—”
    Jeremy stepped forward, sneering. “You can’t make me do anything, cripple! You can control other people’s lives, but you’ll not control mine. I’ll do as I please, and you can go to the devil, Blakeney!”
    Jane’s stomach roiled. She’d never heard such terrible words before. Worse, the colonel was insisting Jeremy marry her. Regardless of what he wished, she would not endure a marriage to an insensitive boor like Jeremy.
    She wished she could take back her foolish impulse in following him outside. If only she could explain to Colonel Blakeney. His face was nearly unrecognizable in his anger.
    “You’re a sorry excuse for a man, Parker. You will do the right thing by this young lady, or your father will hear about it.” He turned to Jane, and she wondered why he glared at her. “Go back inside, and find Lucinda. This ball is over for all of you children.”
    He spat out the last word. Confused, she hurried toward the assembly room, while Jeremy and the colonel exchanged a few more harsh words.
    Dismay and a sense of dread overcame her at the full realization of what he must think. She’d been lured outside, against her better judgment. She’d trusted Jeremy. In the time she’d spent at Everhill, he had not displayed any particular interest in her. She had allowed herself a few daydreams about his blue eyes, but those dreams had stopped the better she came to know him.
    Their angry voices grew closer. Unable to face either of them, she hastened to the back door of the building where a small crowd had gathered. Lucinda was in the forefront. Jane walked faster, hoping to reach her before anyone was aware of what was happening.
    “Jane, whatever are you doing? Come inside. It’s freezing cold.” Lucinda pulled her toward the door as the murmured gossip reached them. Lucinda stopped in her tracks, peering over Jane’s shoulder to see what had caught everyone else’s interest.
    Jane turned in time to see Jeremy strike Colonel Blakeney. She cried out when his left arm blocked Jeremy’s wild fist, which connected with the stuffed glove. Jeremy yanked his arm back, and the colonel’s fake hand came with it. Out came the hastily sewn stitches and the sawdust, trailing down the colonel’s black coat to his shoes.
    A collective sigh rose from the onlookers. Jane darted forward to…She didn’t know what she could do, but felt she had to protect him, do something…
    Jeremy blanched. “Forgive me,” he muttered, but the colonel’s face was cold.
    “Summon the coach. I will meet you out front.” He picked up the glove and stared at it as if he’d never seen it before.
    Lucinda tugged on her arm.
    “Come on,” she said, her usually giggling voice subdued.
    Jane accompanied her through the pressing group of people, which had grown to a

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