In Seconds

In Seconds by Brenda Novak Page B

Book: In Seconds by Brenda Novak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Novak
Tags: Mystery
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    Her stomach muscles tightened. “What about it?” Would he confiscate her Sig? She got the impression he was considering it. But now that she’d made the decision to keep the weapon close at hand, she didn’t want to lose the advantage it could give her.
    “It’s dangerous to have it in the house.”
    It was more dangerous not to have it, which was why Virgil had given her the Sig in the first place. “I’ll be careful.”
    “Do you really need it? I mean…I’m right next door.”
    With a thirteen-year-old. No way would she get him involved if The Crew came to call. The Crew would kill him and Marley, just like they’d butchered that U.S. marshal…?.
    The panic she’d felt as she called 9-1-1 that night a few years ago returned to her mind, along with the memory of the marshal’s blood, still warm, as she tried to hold the wound in his neck closed. She couldn’t let anything like that happen again. Ever. Which meant she had tocontrol herself and her emotions. “Thank you, but…I can take care of myself.”
    She’d offended him. He wanted her to rely on him as a lawman, if nothing more, but he didn’t argue with her or try to convince her. He nodded once and turned to go.
    Unable to stifle the impulse, she followed him to the steps. “So…that’s all you have to say?”
    When he faced her again, the hooded expression he’d worn since he arrived dropped, revealing raw desire. “Yes. No. Yes. No. You’re driving me crazy,” he murmured.
    She was driving herself crazy, wanting what she couldn’t have. “I’m sorry.”
    “That’s all you’ve got to say?” he said, repeating her line from a moment before.
    “Yes.” What more was there? She had no choice but to do exactly as she was doing.
    “No.” He shook his head.
    “You want to keep your gun?”
    Where was he going with this? She slid one arm around the pillar to steady herself. “You know I do.”
    The emotion that’d burned so bright only a second before disappeared behind a professional facade. “Then go for a ride with me. Tonight at six-thirty. Marley will babysit.”
    “The kids can’t stay here—” she started, but he cut her off.
    “Then we’ll take them to my place.”
    Even if The Crew was in town, they’d have no reason to go looking for her or her children at the sheriff’s house. Mia and Jake would be safe. But still… Was she getting in over her head?
    “What if I refuse?”
    “I’ll take your gun from you right now.”
    She swallowed hard. “And if I go with you?”
    “You might have a chance of keeping it.”
    “On what?”
    “On whether or not I’m convinced you know how to use it.”
    This, she hadn’t expected. “Excuse me?”
    “Bring it with you,” he said, and walked away. When he reached his car, he called back, “And dress warm. We’ll be taking the Ducati.”

    M yles knew he shouldn’t push it with Vivian. She was too dodgy. Chasing someone so mysterious and closed off was asking for trouble. And yet…she attracted him like no one else. He hadn’t seen it coming, not initially, at least not the way it was currently playing out. He’d assumed he’d date her, see whether or not it went anywhere, and probably wind up moving on to the next candidate. He had no real hope he could meet someone he loved as much as Amber Rose.
    But Vivian wouldn’t let their mutual interest travel along that well-worn path. She was so different from anyone he’d been with, so different from the kind of woman he’d married. Amber Rose had been a safe bet. Trusting, warm, sunny. Vivian, on the other hand, was complicated and full of shadows. That made her a definite risk. And he had no business taking a risk at this point in his life. Not with a daughter who’d already lost her mother…
    So why couldn’t he seem to back away and forget his pretty neighbor?
    Because he wanted her too badly. It was that simple. He’d been trying to engage her without

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