In Safe Hands

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Book: In Safe Hands by Katie Ruggle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ruggle
time practicing with the heavy bag and the speed bag, then hopped on the treadmill for forty minutes. Afterward, she felt sweaty, disgusting, and much calmer—even a little sheepish about the way she’d hung up on Chris.
    Daisy showered and then retrieved her phone, her finger hesitating over the “on” button. With a sigh, she figured she should just get it over with, so she turned on the cell. Once it came back to life, she saw that she had a dozen messages. The single one from Lou stood out amongst the eleven left by Chris. Like the chicken she was, Daisy listened to Lou’s first.
    â€œHey, Daisy! It’s Lou. I’m just checking to see if we’re still on for tomorrow. I hope so, since I am so excited about learning to kick some…hang on. I’ll be with you in a moment! Gotta go—customers.” The way Lou growled the word made Daisy smile. “Let me know if anything changes. Otherwise I’ll see you tomor— Just a minute! I’ll be right there to take your order!” Her voice dropped to a mutter. “Seriously? They can’t wait two seconds for their lattes? I tell you what, Daisy—I’m going to have some major aggression to work out tomorrow, so you’d better hope we don’t get paired up. Otherwise, it’s pow! And wham! And—Coming! Jeez Louise, Callum isn’t the only one who needs to learn patience. See you tomorrow!”
    Daisy was laughing by the time Lou’s message ended, making it easier to listen to Chris’s. All of his were short, consisting of some variation of “Dais. Call me.” With a grimace, she tapped his name on her screen. He answered after a single ring.
    â€œDaisy. Finally.”
    â€œHey, Chris. Sorry I hung up on you earlier, but I really don’t want to talk about that anymore.”
    â€œFine.” His heavy exhale was audible. “Just don’t turn off your phone like that. What if you needed to call for help?”
    â€œThen I’d turn it back on?”
    She was pretty sure that was a growl she heard. “What if I needed to reach you urgently?”
    â€œOkay, Chris. I promise I won’t turn it off because I’m in a snit.”
    â€œThank you.” He paused for a few seconds. “You okay?”
    Daisy felt a small surge of irritation. It felt like he was always asking her that. “Yes. I assaulted Max and took a shower, so I feel much better.”
    â€œGood.” There was another un-Chris-like hesitation. “Can I do anything for the training tomorrow? Maybe pick up some things on my way to your house?”
    â€œSince you’re the one doing the training, I think your contribution is big enough without supplying snacks.”
    â€œOkay.” This time, the silence stretched until she checked to make sure the call hadn’t been dropped. “Do you need anything?”
    â€œSome strong sedatives, if you don’t stop treating me like your invalid aunt.” She immediately felt bad about her sharpness. “No, Chris. I’m stocked like a good prepper. Dad could stay away for another six months, and I’d still have enough to eat.” She’d be out of chocolate long before then, though, and that could lead to severe crankiness.
    â€œI’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
    â€œBye.” The word was more of a sigh. This Chris was nowhere near as fun to talk to as her friend used to be before some alien performed a personality transplant on him.
    * * *
    â€œGabe,” Rob called over the construction noise. “Got a minute?”
    Gabe Little scowled. “No. Not after your deputy wasted my entire morning.”
    Raising his eyebrows, Rob waited.
    â€œChris Jennings called me and told me Daisy needed me at home.” His frown deepened with each word. “Thought she was in trouble or something. When I drove all the way home, she was fine. Said she had no idea why Jennings dragged me to Simpson. I

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