In His Sleep

In His Sleep by Jennifer Talty Page B

Book: In His Sleep by Jennifer Talty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Talty
Tags: Romance
Angie, and I’m looking for someone to model their underwear for me.”
    “So I heard.” He didn’t smile, not even a little. Bastard didn’t even look her over. Just stood there with a blank expression. “I’m flattered, but I don’t think so.”
    “It’s a paying gig and includes expenses.” She took a step back and gave him a good once over with her eyes, then ran her hand down his arm. His muscles twitched under her touch, but he didn’t flinch, not even when she slide her hand across his firm belly. Her thumb brushed the top of his belt buckle before she made her way towards his ass.
    This wasn’t the way she normally treated her models, but the gray slacks, while not stylish, etched his body like a fine sculpture.
    “Um, do you mind?”
    “Sorry. Job hazard.” She placed her hand over her stomach in an attempt to calm herself, but all it did was generate more heat, sending it directly to her moist panties.
    “Right,” he said.
    Her chest rose up and down with every labored breath she took. Her hard nipples begged for him to drop his gaze and take notice, but he didn’t and that exited her even more. “You’re very attractive,” she said. Although, attractive wasn’t quite the right word to describe this fine specimen of flesh.
    Fuckable would be a better word.
    Of course, there was always suckable. Her second favorite pastime.
    “You make this boring suit look fabulous,” she said. “It hangs on you very nicely. Not too tight, but with the outline your firm body leaving just enough to the imagination.”
    “Thanks. I think.”
    She continued to shamelessly treat him like the eye candy he was. He had thick thighs. And she knew, even though she couldn’t see, that he had tight, hard, round nipples. Her fingers itched to rip open his shirt and suck one of them into her mouth. She bet he had just a few chest hairs perfectly placed between two perfect pecs. “Have you ever done any modeling?”
    “What?” He shoved his hands in his slacks, pushing back his matching sport coat.
    Her eyes dropped to his zipper. Immediately she imagined herself down on her knees, lowering that zipper with her teeth as hard cock pushed against the fabric of his pants.
    “Hello. Up here,” he said as he smiled and nodded politely at a few people who passed by. “I’m not a model.”
    “Oh, but I bet the camera would love you.” He was tall, but probably not over six feet. His skin appeared flawless. At least what she could see of it. “I’d really love to get you out of these clothes and get a better look at you.” She reached up and palmed his cheek. His skin was actually softer than it appeared. And warm. Hot.
    No wait. That was her. Hot and wet.
    He laced his fingers around her wrist. “Really. I’m flattered but not interested. Okay?”
    She took in a deep breath and then let out a long and heavy sigh. She had to get past her desire to fuck the man until he begged for mercy and convince him to let her take his picture. And she had to get her nipples under control, not to mention her overactive brain. “You’re near perfect.”
    He even had a slight dimple when he smiled.
    She managed to retrieve one of her business cards without dropping all the files in her hand. “Meet me in my room and let me take a few pictures.” She jotted down a time and her room number, and then boldly shoved it his pant pocket. Her hand lingered there a bit too long, causing a slight increase in the bulge in his pants.
    She inched her fingers closer to the ever-growing package that needed unwrapping.
    He jerked, buttoning his coat and folding his arms across his chest. “Hey,” he said gawking at her as if she’d just assaulted him. Well, in a way, she had. But by the way, his pants fit a little tighter in the crotch...well, she figured he enjoyed it, too.
    “I’ll see you later.” She reached up and patted his shoulder. The man had to be perfect. Perfectly dangerous.
    “God, I hope he shows up,” she mumbled as

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