In Another Life

In Another Life by Cardeno C. Page A

Book: In Another Life by Cardeno C. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cardeno C.
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    “Oh.” I looked at his hand, then shook it as I raised my gaze to meet his. “I’m Shiloh Raben. Nice to meet you.”
    “Shiloh?” He smiled at me, a huge one that reached his eyes and made my knees go weak. “That’s a gorgeous name.”
    “Thank you.” I bit my lip, lowered my chin, and looked up at him from underneath my lashes. “That’s very… uh, thank you.”
    “You’re welcome. And in answer to your questions, my niece’s name is Jessica Zinn.”
    “Oh.” I didn’t know who Jessica was, which surprised me, because even though we had a student body nearing two thousand, I prided myself on being at least somewhat familiar with all of them. “I don’t think I know Jessica,” I said as I knit my brow and tried to place the name. “Is she new?”
    Travis nodded. “Yes, she’s a freshman.”
    I remembered my own introduction to high school. I’d managed to hide in the middle of the crowd for a while, but eventually, the older, bigger kids found me and after that they seemed to seek me out. I had been too ashamed and too scared to ask for help, so I’d suffered through in silence. I didn’t want any of my students to endure that type of existence.
    “I’d be happy to work with her,” I said. “I think I can help stop the teasing, but she needs to talk to me.”
    Travis grinned. “The teasing wasn’t aimed at Jessica. It was aimed at her possibly overprotective uncle.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “She’s been dating seniors, which scares the hell out of her mother and has added a lot of tension to their house.” He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “That’s why I’m here, actually. I agreed to play the part of chauffeur and said I didn’t want to sit in my car waiting for her to be done at the dance, so I might as well volunteer to chaperone.”
    “And she believed those were your only options?” I asked curiously. “There are all sorts of restaurants and coffee shops around here. You could have—”
    “She’s fourteen,” Travis reminded me. “She doesn’t have great judgment about what to believe, which is part of what we’re worried about. Besides, she doesn’t spend much time thinking about anything any adult says. The salient points to her were a ride to and from the dance and the absence of her mother.”
    The fact that this man had to explain the teenage mind to me was a testament to how distracted he had me. I earned my living working with teenagers, and I considered myself quite good at it.
    “Right.” I nodded. “That makes sense.” I breathed in deeply. “Well, I better get back in there. I’ll make sure to keep an extra careful eye on Jessica, and if you tell me who these senior boys are, I’ll watch them too.”
    “I’ll make sure to do that,” Travis said. “Listen, I know right now you’re busy working, and I’m busy planning the start to my life of crime by way of cigarette consumption, but I’ve enjoyed chatting with you.” He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, glanced down at me, and said, “Any chance you want to give me your number?”
    “Of course,” I answered. “I’m happy to discuss the situation with Jessica anytime. My number—”
    “Is that the only reason you’d want to hear from me?” he asked.
    I furrowed my brow in confusion. “I don’t understand what you mean.”
    “Can I still call you even if it isn’t to talk about my niece?” he asked as he peered into my eyes.
    I felt like I was missing something obvious, but I wasn’t sure what it was.
    “Why would you—” That was when I realized the handsome stranger was coming on to me, or at least wanting to get in touch so he could come on to me later. “Oh.”
    He curled his lips up in a small, sexy smile and arched one eyebrow. “Yeah. Oh.”
    I concentrated on keeping my knees stiff so they wouldn’t buckle, which made me sway. Travis grabbed my shoulders and steadied me.
    “Shiloh?” My name in his whiskey voice had me

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