In Another Life

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Book: In Another Life by Carys Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carys Jones
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away from his golden eyes which bore in to her image. She felt like she was being drawn in to them, drowning in their intensity. Orion’s grip on her hips tightened and she was about to turn and face him directly when the doors to her chambers were flung open and Leo strode confidently in to the room.
    “Princess, your public awaits!” he declared dramatically.
    “Yes, of course,” Marie nervously ran her hands down her dress, trying to forget what she had just felt with Orion. She needed to focus.
    “You look magnificent,” Leo announced when he’d taken a second to behold Marie in all her golden glory. Then he bowed before her, lowering himself gracefully so that he was bent down and all she could see was his long back.
    “Please, you don’t need to bow,” Marie instructed, feeling self-conscious. She glanced briefly at Orion who had gone over to the window and was staring out at the world beyond.
    “Of course, your majesty,” Leo straightened back up and smiled courteously at her. Marie opened her mouth to object to being called your majesty but then stopped. The label didn’t seem quite right yet she couldn’t muster a reasonable reason to insist he stop addressing her as such.
    “Shall we go?” shaking off her confusion Marie picked up her gown and prepared to leave. Upon leaving her chambers a prim smile fixed itself in place on her face. It was a mask which instantly felt familiar though she couldn’t remember having ever worn it before.
    Azriel was a town in celebration. Banners declaring the joyous news of their princess’s return hung from every available fixture and uplifting melodies filled the air. Everyone was ecstatic and they lined the streets all the way down the great hill and out towards the vast beanstalks wearing their finest attire.
    Marie was flanked by guardians, all wearing golden suits apart from Orion who today wore a pale yellow suit. Earlier, when Marie had asked what mood that colour reflected he’d coyly told her that it referred to new beginnings and then promptly changed the subject.
    As Marie passed by revellers they threw up handfuls of petals which fluttered down on to the returned royal like nature’s confetti. Petals of every colour filled the air and danced in the breeze as if moving in time to the music. Marie smiled and clapped her hands together gleefully as the world around her became a blur of floral fusion. It was a beautiful sight to behold. With each step she took more flower petals were added to the medley basking the space around her in an intoxicating scent.
    In her joy she made sure to remember to wave and address the throngs around her, certain that the people seemed greater in numbers than they had when they’d visited the throne room.
    “Thank you!” she called graciously to them.
    “Thank you so much!”
    With Azriel’s crown upon her head there was no mistaking that she was their princess. Marie began to dance in time with the music, spinning and stretching out her hands to let the petals swirl around her. The people loved it and cheered as some even entered the street and began to dance alongside her. The air was full of laughter, clapping and the scent of exotic, heavenly flowers. Marie had no doubt that it was the greatest moment of her life. She had never felt more alive, more accepted and more loved.
    “It’s wonderful isn’t it?” Orion caught her hand and twirled her around. 
    “It’s amazing!” Marie giggled girlishly, looking in to his eyes.
    “You’re a natural!” Orion complimented. “The people love you!”
    Marie laughed and continued to let the music carry her down the streets, she was almost at the beanstalks. Beyond them lay the emerald field where she had originally arrived in Azriel. When she saw the trees there was a twinge within her but the music had clouded her thoughts before she had a chance to pursue the sensation further. She danced

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