In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4)

In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4) by K.S. Ruff Page A

Book: In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4) by K.S. Ruff Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Ruff
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“We are hard pressed on every side, but not
crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck
down, but not destroyed.”
Corinthians four, five through nine.” I recalled. Charlie regularly recited the
verse when I was feeling overwhelmed.
nodded. “I know you’re hurting and you’re feeling lost. You’re still grieving
Michael. I can see it in your face. I want you to focus on all the good things
God was able to achieve through Michael. Celebrate all that he was able to
accomplish when he froze those investment accounts for that terrorist
organization. Think of all the lives he saved in the process,” Charlie advised.
welled in my eyes. “I just don’t understand why he had to die. Why couldn’t we
all have just come home safely?”
eyes softened. “Michael was the only one who arrived home safely that day. His
work was done. The rest of you were not called home because you still have work
to do. How’s his brother, Rafael, holding up?”
not sure,” I admitted guiltily. “He doesn’t really talk about it.”
tore a chunk off his bagel and chewed it thoughtfully. “Where is he? I thought
he was coming to Montana with you.”
took him out to the shooting range so they could blow some stuff up. He thought
a little recreational therapy might help,” Kimme explained. “He’s bringing him
by to meet you in a half hour or so.”
smiled. “Good. I’d like to meet him. I have to join a conference call in a few
minutes, but I should be finished up by the time they arrive.” Charlie turned
to face me. “That should give you some time to catch up with everyone else in
the office. I know Ann, Jerry, and Doug are anxious to see you.”
and I rose from our seats, our bagels largely uneaten. “I’ll bring Rafael back
to meet you when he arrives,” I assured Charlie.
walked around his desk and gave me a hug. “Hang in there, kiddo. I promise you,
God will work this for a greater good.”
spent the next forty minutes catching up with my friends. Everyone was aware
that I had been abducted by the SVR and that Michael had died trying to save me
in Ukraine. Their perceptions of Michael had changed significantly, old
animosities disappearing with that one heroic act.
were still talking about Ukraine when Dan strode into the office with a smug
look on his face. He pinned me with his gaze. “Let the record show your package
is being delivered with all twenty digits intact.”
glanced worriedly at Rafael. “That’s reassuring…”
commandeered a surveillance point against the far wall. He planted his boots
firmly into the floor when he leaned against the wall. “That was no small feat.
The idiot in the booth next to us managed to blow his big toe off. Thankfully,
there’s a three-eighth inch steel plate lining the bottom of the booths. The
guy cried like a baby. They called for an ambulance and two fire trucks… all
for a big toe that guy’s never gonna get back.”
kissed me on the forehead before hooking his arm around my back. “We still
managed to squeeze in quite a few rounds. Dan’s got quite the gun collection.”
cleared her throat.
winced. “Oh, sorry! Rafael, this is Ann. That’s Jerry, standing next to her,
and Doug, leaning against the windowsill.”
stepped forward and shook everyone’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
very sorry for your loss, Rafael… and grateful for everything you’ve done for
Kri,” Ann remarked tearfully. “If there’s anything we can do…”
nodded politely. “Thank you.”
stepped forward. “Kri’s like family to us. That makes you family too. Please
don’t hesitate to call. We’re here… for both of you.” He handed Rafael his
business card.
stared at the card. He seemed surprised by the show of support. He tucked the
card inside his wallet before offering Jerry his business

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