sidewalks. Each of them has a story to tell. They've all lost people they love. I'm going to lose the person I love more than anyone if I don't fix things now. "His case?" I parrot back the words.
"Your client?" He speaks slowly and clearly. "Nate, what happens to his case now?"
I turn quickly in my chair, pulling my suit jacket back on as I stand. "I get as much as I can for his family. I don't give up until I win." The words hold much more meaning than Garrett could ever realize.
Chapter 17
"She's really kind." Her voice completely matches her appearance.
"I think so too," I say as I tip my water glass towards her.
She picks up the menu from the table. "Have you been together a long time?"
I smile at her, my name scanning over her nametag. "Not long enough, Cindy," I offer. "I wish I'd met her the day she was born."
Her hand leaps to her chest. "That's so romantic. Jess is so lucky."
"No," I purse my lips together. "I'm lucky. Can you tell me how much longer until her break?"
She leans closer. Her hand darts to the side of her mouth as if she's going to share a national secret with me and wants to ensure that no one else in the vicinity hears it. "She already had her break but she said she'll finish up and be right out to talk to you."
My heart is pounding. I haven't been this nervous to talk to Jessica since the second night I saw her at the club. The first night, I fell asleep before I took her into my bed. I went back to the club again the following night with the hope that she'd magically reappear. She did. I knew when I saw her then, that I'd never let her out of my sight again. I can't. My heart can't take it. "I'll be waiting right here."
"I'll get your sandwich." She turns on her heel and walks towards the kitchen.
I use the moment alone to look at my phone. I've tried calling Pam Wilkinson twice and there's been no response. I'm actually grateful for that. I'm not sure what I can offer in terms of condolences. I just want to reiterate to her that I'm working as hard as I can to settle her grandfather's case. I am. I need to get my focus back into work. I can only do that if Jessica and I are in a good place.
"Nathan." Her hand brushes over mine as she takes a seat across from me. "You didn’t have to come here to see me."
I look up. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight bun. She's not wearing any make up. It only adds to how beautiful she is. She looks young, fresh and alive. Her chef's jacket is stained with a myriad of colors. I can tell she's been working hard. She has been for months now. Between her job here and her classes at school, it's a wonder she's made any time for me at all. "You're so beautiful." I don't plan for the words to escape from me, but I can't temper them.
"I look like shit," she whispers back with a small grin. "I couldn't sleep."
"The bed in the guestroom is made of rocks." I cock a brow. "You need to stop running in there when things get rough."
She twists her lips together. "I know."
"I pushed you for a reason." I don't see any advantage in dancing around the subject. If I dive right in, she'll understand exactly where I'm coming from. "You're my life, Jessica. You're my fucking life."
Cindy reappears with a plate in hand. She places it on the table in front of me. "Can I get you anything else?" she asks, her eyes glued to me.
"This is good." I don't glance at the food at all. I can't stop staring at Jessica.
"Alright." Cindy turns quickly on her heels and disappears into the late lunch crowd that has now gathered in Axel NY.
Jessica reaches across the table towards the plate. "I'm really hungry."
I don't hesitate as I push it closer to her. "Eat. Please, Jessica, eat."
She picks up the sandwich and takes a hearty bite. It's one of the things I absolutely love about her. She's not scared shitless of food. She'll eat and eat until she's full. Her body shows it. She's voluptuous, healthy and strong. "I can't talk for long," she says between bites.
Russell Kirkpatrick
Matt Kaplan
Tad Williams
Berengaria Brown
Matt Christopher
Michael Bronski
Mallory Crowe
Joyee Flynn
Louis Begley