that same movement, same rhythm of two people working as one, and the friction through the suit was certainly enough to see the end of Therse given time. He could already feel the first wisps of explosive pleasure pooling at his groin. He wanted to grip Meitou's hips as they thrust against him, but he was powerless to do so.
Meitou lay hot above him. Therse was looking right at him but couldn't see him properly through the visor, heightening his other senses. Therse shuddered, beginning to lose it already. Meitou brought his lips down again, touching them lightly to Therse's. From what Therse could make out, Meitou seemed to be very interested in the color transition of the bands on the module's interface.
Therse finally got what he wanted as Meitou's hand reached past the groin of his suit and took hold of his tight, dripping cock, pulling it out as he reached for his own, working them both together.
Then he sat up and away, and Therse was left wanting. He tried to lift his head to see, tried to make out what was happening in the room beyond the visor, but the only thing he could sense was the sudden sweet smell to the air. The fragrant scent of lubricant set his heart racing.
He felt his cock handled again, Meitou indulging in a few luxurious strokes before the cooling touch of lube, only a fingertip on his glans and not nearly enough to satisfy his want. He flexed in the harness, demanding attention. Then he realized something was off. The lubricant felt different; even though there was no longer any contact with his erection the sensation was deeper and gathering, growing to something unspeakably, breathtakingly pleasurable.
Meitou's hand stroked up the inside of his thigh as he tried to contain his gasps.
"You might have noticed this isn't your average lubricant,” he heard Meitou tell him. “It's a rather special concoction I use very sparingly, so feel honored. It's expensive as hell."
"What...what is..."
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"Contains a compound that activates your pressure sensors without you actually having to be touched. Ironically, it was first developed as a torture aid to simulate horrific injury. Watered down though, it feels fucking fantastic."
Meitou's hand covered him in it, pushing down on him slick and hard, and suddenly it was unbearably good. He was so tight it was sore, as though he might burst. He heard the sounds of undressing through his addled, interfaced mind, and felt a peak of arousal as naked skin settled against him, as Meitou's warmth and weight returned to him and began to push down over him, taking him whole.
Therse could see him, if he focused hard enough. Could make out his strained expression painted with pleasure. The glorious sensations at his groin and the fact that his mind was spread out, swimming in the module's interface, made him less restrained. “You're the hottest guy I've ever... fuck... ” he managed, as Meitou was finally all the way down, so tight around him Therse gasped.
Meitou gripped the harness behind Therse's shoulder where it was rigid and used it as leverage as he began thrusting down onto him, gathering pace, flicking his hips as he moved. Therse watched him, speechless with the feeling of it, biting his lip to hold in the cacophony of noise that was bound to fall out of his mouth if he unlocked it.
Meitou wasn't having any of his resistance, and thrust a thumb into his mouth to open his jaw. “No one can hear you, you needn't be so restrained.” He could feel the tingling of lube on his tongue, and licked against Meitou's thumb, taking him by surprise a little. Therse gave in and moaned around it, flexing his hips to meet Meitou's thrusts as much as he could.
He wasn't sure if it was the effects of the interface on his mind, but he noticed something flicker across Meitou's face like he was beginning to lose control, letting himself go more than he ought to, like his agenda was slipping.
Meitou watched Therse's mouth work
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