nations are specifically mentioned, it is not inconceivable that America should be found in Bible prophecy. For well over a century, authors and teachers from a wide range of religious beliefs and backgrounds have pondered and discussed this topic. Some have argued vehemently that America is mentioned in the Bible, insisting it was either patently obvious to everyone or simply obvious to them as uniquely enlightened observers. Others have concluded that America is not mentioned in the Bible. Over the years, I have developed a small library of books devoted to the topic.
    More Than a Century of Books on America and Prophecy
    In 1888, for example, Ellen G. White, the woman who helped found the Seventh-day Adventist church, published a 654-page book called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan , later retitled America in Prophecy . White cited a range of passages from the books of Daniel and Revelation in making her case that America was in fact referenced in Scripture. She specifically pointed to Revelation 13:11: “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.” White then argued that “one nation, and only one, meets the specifications of this prophecy; it points unmistakably to the United States of America. . . . The lamb-like horns indicate youth, innocence, and gentleness, fitly representing the character of the United States.” [162]
    In 1942, Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of a cult known as the Worldwide Church of God and a magazine called The Plain Truth , published a 196-page book titled The United States and Britain in Prophecy . “The all-important master key has been found!” Armstrong wrote. “That key is knowledge of the astonishing identity of the American and British peoples—as well as the German—in biblical prophecies. . . . This book will open, to open minds, this hitherto closed vital third of all the Bible. No story in fiction ever was so strange, so fascinating, so absorbing, so packed with interest and suspense, as this gripping story of our [American and British] identity—and our ancestry.” [163]
    In 1968, S. Franklin Logsdon published a 98-page book titled Is the U.S.A. in Prophecy? “Is the U.S.A. mentioned by name in prophecy?” Logsdon asked. “The answer, of course, is ‘No.’ But, if you ask, Is the U.S.A. in the framework of prophecy? The answer is an unqualified ‘Yes’ . . . It is unthinkable that the God who knows the end from the beginning would pinpoint such small nations as Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Syria in the prophetic declaration and completely overlook the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the earth.” [164]
    In 1998, Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy published a 48-page booklet titled The Truth about America in the Last Days . They wrote, “Most would agree that neither America, North America, nor the United States is mentioned explicitly in the Bible, either historically or prophetically, in the way that Scripture speaks repeatedly of Israel, Babylon, Syria, or Egypt. . . . The Western Hemisphere is not specifically mentioned in Scripture.” [165]
    In 2003, David R. Reagan published a 210-page book titled America the Beautiful? The United States in Bible Prophecy . “So, where is the United States in Bible prophecy?” Reagan asked. “A partial answer is that we are not mentioned directly and specifically. We are covered by general prophecies that relate to all nations, but beyond that, our end time destiny is not specifically mentioned. General prophecies that apply to the United States include those that say all nations will be judged (Isaiah 34:2-3). . . . But how could God overlook the world’s most important and powerful nation? I don’t think He has. I believe America can be found in Bible prophecy, not specifically, but in prophetic type. . . . I believe the biblical prophetic type of the United States is the nation of Judah.” [166]
    In 2004, Michael D.

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