Imitation of Love

Imitation of Love by Sally Quilford Page B

Book: Imitation of Love by Sally Quilford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Quilford
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your sister.”
    “He won’t, because Alyssa is too well
cared for.” It was something Catherine had spent the last hour considering. The
rough looking men would never be allowed anywhere near Alyssa. Harrington and
Xander would see to that. She had to place her trust in them, and hope that if
her sister was in danger, they would act quickly enough to prevent her being
harmed. “And even if he succeeds, at least I’ll have done the right thing.”
Catherine thought of Jimmy, and how he lost his life, and all the times that
Xander, as the Captain, had risked his life to save others, including the time
he refused an order his Commanding Officer that would have led to unjustified
carnage.  She tried to be inspired by their courage, despite the terror in her
heart. “I’m not going to help you commit regicide.”
    Celine pulled a pistol from the pocket
in her dress. “I was afraid you’d say that. But I think your own instinct to
live will overcome any objections you have. You’ve got until the count of ten
to start work.” She pressed the pistol against Catherine’s temple.
    “One, two, three…”

    Chapter Nine
    As Xander was able to travel across
country on his horse, he reached Phoebe Somerson’s house only a short time
after they did. Under the cover of a copse several hundred yards away, he could
see the carriage parked outside the gatehouse, and the two men standing guard
at the door.  Occasionally either Phoebe or the other woman – the maid – came
out to them, and they talked for a while, looking to an upper window, which had
been boarded up. It gave him a good indication of where Catherine was.
    He’d never been to Phoebe’s country
house, and was surprised by how derelict the larger building was.  He wondered
if she and her gang had abducted Catherine in order to demand a ransom.  He was
tempted to approach the men and offer any terms they wanted, in order to get
her back. But he had no weapon on him, and for all he knew, they might be armed
and open fire.
    Waiting for Harrington to arrive with
help was frustrating, but he knew he had no choice. It would be foolish to
approach the gatehouse unprepared.
    He’d been waiting an agonizing three
quarters of an hour when he heard the approach of hooves coming from the London
road. He pursed his lips and let out a shrill whistle, when he recognized Harrington
at the head of a group of men. They’d brought a carriage with them, for which
he was grateful. Catherine might not be in any fit state to ride back to
    “Xander…” Harrington rode across to the
copse, and got off his horse, making sure he kept out of sight of the
gatehouse. “I’ve brought help. What’s going on?”
    “I think they want her to forge new
letters.” He briefly told Harrington about the links he’d made. “Either that,
or they intend to hold her to ransom. But no one has left since I arrived, and
I feel sure they’d send someone with a note if they wanted money. Did you bring
me a weapon?”
    Harrington handed over a pistol, and a
sword on a scabbard, which Xander put around his waist. “We’ll take the two men
out first, then deal with the women inside.”
    As he spoke a shot rang out from the
direction of the gatehouse. Fearing the worst, and with no thought for his own
safety, he jumped on his horse, commanding Harrington and the others to follow
him. The two ruffians didn’t have time to react to the sudden onslaught, as
they also seemed shocked by the sudden gunshot. Xander and Harrington were able
to knock them out pretty quickly, leaving the others to tie them up, whilst
Xander kicked open the gatehouse door and ran inside.
    Phoebe was crouching in a corner,
whimpering. “Xander … darling …” she said, running to him. “I had nothing to do
with it. Celine made me do it. I’d never hurt dear Miss Willoughby. I…”
    “Phoebe, get out of my way! Andrew, deal
with this … woman.” He

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