I'm All Yours
woke me.”
    King of sarcasm – that’s what Kyle liked most about his manager.
    “Okay, just give me a call when you’ve set up an appointment because I’d like to nip this problem in the bud as soon as I can.”
    * ***
    Evie sat in her dressing room drinking coffee and paging through one of the magazines her producer had placed on her desk that morn ing. As the entertainment correspondent, she had to keep up on who was who, who was dating who m , who was divorcing who m , and who was the next big thing.
    She was due on set in twenty minutes to give her wee kly entertainment round - up report and had a few minutes to spare b efore she headed downstairs to the main studio . She flipped the pages until she arrived at the inside back page when she almost choked on her coffee. Some of it trickled out of her mouth and splashed on to the blouse the wardrobe la dy had insisted she wear today .
    Kyle Daley’s photo glared back at her. His face, like her blouse, was splashed with coffee. All he wore was his familiar , sickening , phony smile , and a towel wrapped about his waist . He was advertising a new razor with four blades that gave you the close s t shave of your life. Evie knew what she’d like to do to him with that razor.
    “Evie , ten minutes ‘til show time.” T hat was the assistant director banging on her door.
    She dabbed at the coffee stain on her blouse and just as quickly tried to put the image of Kyle’s half - dressed body out of her mind. The man really thought he was something special. And that sickening smirk on his face. Her efforts to clean the coffee spill were making things worse , and she had only a few minutes to go. Maybe no one would notice it.
    Evie walked out on to the set , and the director handed her some notes. She took her cue and then got into position at her news desk during the commercial break.
    She watched as the director counted down with his fingers held up in front of her, and then th e light on the camera flashed red .
    “Good morning . T his is Evie Winters here , with your weekly entertainment update…”
    * ***
    Kyle opened his eyes and realized he’d fallen asleep and slept all night wi th his TV switched on . At least he’d had the good sense to turn the volume down before he’d drifted off. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before focusing on the screen again.
    No, it can’t be.
    If last night hadn’t been shitty enough , this morning didn’t look any better. There on his sixty inch high definition screen was Evie Winters. Nemesis, bitch, pain in the ass , and yes, thorn in his side.
    Was that a cof fee stain on her blouse? Wonder how that got by Miss I’m Always P erfect. Miss I’ve N eve r Made a Mistake in My L ife. At least the TV was on mute , so he didn’t have to listen to her voice . He fingered the remote, willing himself to hit the off button , but for some strange reason, he just couldn’t do it.
    Damn, it’s like something’s possessing me to watch her.
    Kyle wanted to hate Evie , really he did , but he’d done something despicable to her less than a year ago , so the fault wasn’t all hers. He’d stood her up for the biggest interview scoop of her life , and yes, on live television . And yes, it hadn’t been his fault either . Well, in a way it had been. He’d made the choice to rush to Colorado that morning, but it had been an emergency . However, he couldn’t let her or anyone else know the real reason she’d been left sitting with an empty chair in front of her and looking like the biggest idiot in the world on live TV. Nevertheless , what’d she’d done on his return to L . A . had be en over the top , and from then on she’d become his favorite person to hate.
    He glanced at the screen again.
    Like it or not, Kyle had to admit she was cute. That dar k hair that curled up at the ends , baby blue eyes, kissable lips, high cheekbones…
    He swallowed.
    Shit, will wonders never cease?
    He had a hard - on.
    Kyle lifted the sheet just to make

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