If Love Dares Enough

If Love Dares Enough by Anna Markland Page B

Book: If Love Dares Enough by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Markland
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himself. He’d so far managed to trap two dozen pigeons which had been sent off to Normandie with Lord Antoine, and the rat poison he and his brother Barat had set under the careful supervision of the rat catcher, Jubert, was paying off handsomely, rigid rodent bodies turning up everywhere.
    “But here comes a rat of a different order,” he mused as he watched a Norman he assumed to be Renouf de Maubadon riding into view. Milord Antoine had warned them to expect this despicable brute.
    “ Milord ?” he oozed in his best steward voice as Renouf reined in his horse. “May I be of assistance? I’m Théobald Cormant, steward of East Preston.”
    “Where are Antoine and Hugh de Montbryce?” Renouf demanded.
    “May I enquire who you are, mon seigneur ?”
    Renouf’s ire was evident on his red face. “I am Sir Renouf de Maubadon, of Melton Manor.”
    Théo kept his voice even. “ Mes seigneurs are probably in Normandie. They left several days ago. With large castles to administer there they have appointed my brother and me as seneschals here, to oversee the manors granted by King William, including yours.”
    Renouf bristled at the reminder.
    “Are you the steward who came to my manor two days since?”
    Théo was enjoying the game. “Melton? Non , milord , that was my brother Barat.”
    Renouf’s voice had risen to a shout. “And with whom did he speak?”
    “I know not, milord , and he isn’t here today. He’s gone to Kingston Gorse for more rat poison. We have a significant rodent problem here. Is something amiss?”
    Renouf looked perplexed. Théo bided his time.
    “I will return, steward Cormant,” Renouf spluttered as he and his man rode away.
    Théo watched them go. “And I’ll be waiting, raton.”
    When Renouf rode into the courtyard of Melton Manor a short time later, Barat Cormant was waiting, leaning casually against the wall of the well.
    “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Renouf demanded to know.
    “I’m steward Barat Cormant—”
    “But you’re supposed to be at Kingston Gorse!”
    “I was, milord , and I thought to call in here on my way back to East Preston. I spoke with your man, Torod, the other day. Did he not tell you?”
    Barat struggled to hide his amusement as he watched a furious Renouf almost fall off his horse when his foot caught in the stirrup as he dismounted, flinging the reins to the man accompanying him. Barat decided to keep talking. “I’ve been trying to find him here today, but he seems to have disappeared. No one knows where he is. However, now you’re here we can go over the accounts—”
    “There will be no accounting done this day, I can promise you, Cormant,” Renouf retorted angrily, shaking his fist.
    “I see, milord . Of course. This is a bad time? Perhaps on the morrow?”
    Renouf waved him off, cursing as he strode into the manor house.
    Barat remounted and rode away with a shrug and a grin. Compared to his father’s former masters, Guillaume and Arnulf de Valtesse, dealing with this man would be child’s play.

    Devona could see her mother was exhausted, but she had so many things she wanted to say to her. Recriminations whirled in her head. On the other hand, she wanted to throw her arms around her parent and welcome her back to life.
    “Devona,” Lady Wilona began, taking her daughter’s hand.
    Devona pressed her mother’s hand to her lips. “Hush. You need to sleep. A meal is to be served in the Great Hall later. Till then, rest. You’ve had a difficult day!”
    A tear trickled down Wilona’s cheek. “I’ve been such a coward.”
    Devona kissed her forehead and wiped away the tear. “You’re back with us now. That’s all that matters. And you saved us from Torod.”
    Wilona’s hands flew to her mouth. “Oh God. I killed a man. I’ll burn in hell.”
    Devona shook her head. “You did it to save us. God won’t punish you for that. You were defending your children.”
    Her mother nodded and Devona

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