If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls)

If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls) by Mary J. Williams Page B

Book: If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls) by Mary J. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary J. Williams
changed your plans once.”
    “Rearranged, not changed,” Sam corrected.
    “This is my vacation time. I simply chose to spend it all in Harper
    “With Lila.”
    “Are you trying to be subtle, Rose?”
    “A little,” she admitted sheepishly.
    “Well, you’re lousy at it. If there’s something you
    want to ask, spit it out.”
    “Okay. Remember you asked for it.”
    Sam didn’t like the glint in Rose’s eyes.
    “Can I change my mind?”
    Rose shook her head. “I only have one question. Are you
    going to break Lila’s heart?”
    “I’ll take that as a yes.”
    The condemnation was what set him off. Under normal
    circumstances, Sam would have easily brushed off Rose’s comment. These
    circumstances were anything but normal.
    “What about my heart?” he threw out. There was
    plenty of heat behind his words. Enough to make Rose’s eyes widen with
    “I never thought about it.”
    “Why would you? I’m experienced. Worldly. Lila is
    sweet. A forgettable Christmas fling.”
    “Sam —”
    “Lila is not forgettable, Rose.”
    Frustrated, Sam ran a hand through his hair. “She’s bright, funny,
    beautiful — sexy as hell. I like her. I…”
    “You’re in love with her,” Rose finished for him.
    “Is that so hard to believe?”
    “I don’t know who you’re insulting. Me, or Lila.”
    “You know what I mean, Sam,” Rose said. “You
    are a player. With a big, fat capital P. Admit it, you’re as surprised as I am by
    this turn of events.”
    Sam couldn’t argue.
    “Lila is… a revelation.” The reverence in his
    voice was so poignant it brought tears to Rose’s eyes.
    “Sam Laughton. Who knew you had the soul of a
    poet.” Rose sighed, happy for both her friends. “When are you going
    to ask her to marry you?”
    “I’m not.”
    “Alex won’t like it.” Rose shrugged. “Dani
    will bring him around. A few months without a ring on her finger won’t make a
    “You don’t understand, Rose. I’m not asking her to
    marry me. Not now. Not ever.” Sam cleared his throat. The lump wouldn’t
    move. He was afraid it never would. “When I leave, that’s it. I thought I
    might keep in touch. Visit. But I know that would be a mistake. For both of
    “Sam.” Rose didn’t like the look of despair she
    saw on his face. He stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. Lila loved him,
    Rose was certain. Why was he walking away from a sure thing?
    “It’s cold out here, Rose. Go home. I’ll see you
    “I’m not budging until you explain this idiocy.”
    “This is Lila’s home, Rose. When she lost her parents,
    she was drifting — alone.” Sam’s heart ached when he thought of the tears
    she shed when she shared her grief. “She has so much here in Harper Falls.
    A successful business, friends. And most important, her brother. She needs him.
    She needs all of you. I can’t ask her to give it up.”
    “You picked a hell of a time to get selfless,
    “I’ve never been in love before.”
    Rose watched Sam walk away. Love was supposed to be
    glorious. More often than not, it was just plain hard.
    “HAPPY NEW YEAR, Lila.”
    Lila hugged her brother, grateful once again to have him
    here. Too many times, she rang in another year with no idea of his whereabouts,
    or his safety. Knowing that was a thing of the past, helped ease some of the
    pain she felt. She no longer counted the days until Sam left. Now it was hours
    and minutes.
    “I can still beat the shit out of him for you.”
    Lila let out a small chuckle. “Sam didn’t make me any
    promises, Alex. I went into this with my eyes wide open.”
    “I did the same thing when I met Dani.” Alex
    looked across the room at the woman who owned his heart. “I fell in love,
    knowing I shouldn’t. Five years didn’t change a damn thing. The second I saw
    her it could have been five minutes. And I’m an idiot.”
    “I’m not going to cry,” Lila

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