I Sacrifice Myself
this is your first book then you are
missing out, I urge you to read a few of her reviews, keeping in
mind that there is some jealous competition that has been out
longer than she. Remember everyone has their own opinions, likes
and dislikes, and it takes readers like you to make an authors
dream come true. Enjoy a book, then show it by supporting them in
many different ways but mainly by gushing about the book that you
read. Trust me, the more you share the word, the more fans that
author gains. The more fans an author has, the more books they
release for YOUR enjoyment. Want a sequel? Then show the author by
helping her sale more of the book you enjoy so much. Authors see
which books are liked better than others and when they do they know
that writing a series will benefit them most.
So I hope you have come to know this
wickedly tantalizing and sizzling author and will enjoy the book as
much as I did.
I have known her longer than anyone and have
come to enjoy her quirky and snarky personality that draws you in
and makes you fall in love with her (it did me). Her realistically
balanced views of life make you see things you never would have
before. Her child-like wonder of the epic and magical fantasy
world, including the literary one, will have you following her on
memorable and never-ending journeys that only an author truly can.
A storyteller such as this will leave you breathless, desperate for
more, and vividly seeing worlds beyond our own.
You will find a page of her links within
this book, and if you think you have the courage to step into a
wonderland just as addicting as the current Vamp and Fang hits,
then do yourself a favor and drop what you are doing (unless its
reading this book of course) and go get more of her talented works.
You are denying yourself a pleasure none should. I would know, it
took me a decade to pick up one her books and I’m her husband!
I have to admit here to not exactly writing
this word for word, since I am not the talented writer my wife is,
but I worked with her two best friends (one of which IS an author)
to get what I wanted to say and share it with you. My rambling
mental nonsense would have made you scream like a banshee or worse
drop this book and run for cover.
I never say what I mean, mean what I say,
and understand less than half of what my wonderful wife says. She
talks a lot despite all the stuff she gets accomplished, somehow,
in less time than it took me to figure out how to get my nonsense
into words and typed up. The typing part took about twenty minutes
or so, the thinking part took much, much longer.
Don’t think because I’m her husband that I’m
urging you to read this book and all her others, because it’s not.
Other than the fact she will probably hurt me when she reads this,
okay definitely, because she is more of a anti-social, shy, and
quiet sharer of anything personal. That and she finally wore me
down after a decade of avoiding anything with words bigger than I
can say, and made me read this book, which I found to my shock that
I actually enjoyed it. Okay, I didn’t so much read it as was force
fed it. She read it to me over several long nights. By the first
chapter I was caught up in the action. By long I mean it took
several, sessions?, to understand some of the more sophisticated
words that authors of her level use. I didn‘t make it to college,
Do me a favor though and remind her of one
of her cover artists favorite scare tactics he uses on her… alien,
spider-like zombies that have crept into her room at night as they
cause the apocalypse. She almost always has nightmares after one of
us say something like that!
-Joseph Worrell

I Sacrifice Myself

From the outsider’s point of view, the snug
little cottage hidden quite cleverly in the twilight woods,
appeared to be peaceful. It appeared full of love, full of serenity
and safety.
That was not the truth, and far from it.
Inside this home of three, a girl no older than five, lay

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