I Remember (Remembrance Series)

I Remember (Remembrance Series) by Cynthia P. O'Neill Page A

Book: I Remember (Remembrance Series) by Cynthia P. O'Neill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia P. O'Neill
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the daylight started slowly fading and the oak trees out front started creating lengthy shadows across the lawn. That’s when a van pulled slowly into our driveway.
    The driver quickly exited and went around to the back. Before long, he was at the front door with a huge bouquet of flowers that he could barely see around.
    I opened the door. “I have a delivery for Jordan and Mrs. Carlisle,” he said in a familiar voice, extending the stunning arrangement of spring flowers.
    I sat the arrangement down on the coffee table for a second and turned to the driver, his face now exposed. “You’re the courier who delivered the cell phone and flowers from Gregory, aren’t you?”
    “Yes ma’am. I am very sorry to hear of your loss. You have my condolences.” He smiled, empathetically.
    I was furious that Gregory had found my address, not wanting it revealed, yet. “How did he get my address and you better be honest with me?” My tone was a bit discourteous, but I felt my privacy had been violated.
    “Ms. Carlisle, please don’t be upset with him. He doesn’t know your address. He called around to all the florists in town and asked if there were any arrangements being delivered to you, today. When he found the right florist, he asked if they could make him an arrangement and have me deliver it for him.
    “Before I even left the office, he made me sign a statement that I wouldn’t reveal your address to him and would keep it confidential to anyone who asked about it.”
    “May I ask your name?”
    “I’m Jerry.”
    Jerry was extremely soft spoken. He had a kind face and was wearing a blue, polo shirt with Teleco Wireless written, in small white print.
    “Thank you, Jerry. Please call me, Jordan. Can I ask you a question?”
    “Certainly Ms. Jordan,” he replied, warmly.
    “Why is Gregory doing this? I haven’t even met him, in person, and he has already done way too much for me. I just do not understand it.”
    “That is the kind of man Mr. Gregory is. He is the nicest, most caring and sincere person I have ever met.”
    “How long have you known him?”
    “I have been working at Teleco for about a year, now. I owe him a great debt for all he has done for my family. That is why I am going the extra mile and doing these deliveries for him.”
    “What did he do for you?”
    “About a year ago, I was sitting on a park bench, underneath an old oak tree, by the water, on a Saturday morning, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I had just been laid off and my daughter needed a surgery. My wife and I had no idea how we were going to pay for anything.
    “I was sitting on a bench, pondering and shedding a few tears in the process, when Mr. Gregory walked up and asked if I was ok.
    “He seemed nice, but too young to be concerned with my problems. But then he sat down by me. We sat there for a couple of hours, just talking.
    “When I got up to leave, he handed me one of his business cards and wrote a name on the back. He told me to call on Monday and mention his name. He was certain they could find work for me.
    “I chanced calling the number out of curiosity and the guy said that he was expecting me. I went down and applied for a position in their courier department. Within days, I had a new job and medical insurance. My daughter was able to have her surgery and they gave me a couple days off to be with her.” He finished with a smile on his face.
    I stood there awestruck at his story. “Thank you for sharing that Jerry. How is your daughter is doing?”
    “She is doing well. She was losing her hearing; but thanks to the procedure, she can now hear, again.”
    “Wow. Gregory truly is amazing.”
    “Yes ma’am. He is often voted employee of the quarter because he goes that extra mile to help everyone at work and in life. Oh, I almost forgot, I have something else in the truck for you.”
    He came back with a very large insulated bag and set it on the coffee table.
    “Ms. Jordan, could you

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