I Must Be Dreaming

I Must Be Dreaming by S. Seay Page B

Book: I Must Be Dreaming by S. Seay Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Seay
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he mean hardest for me? Zadok looked up at the council. One of the council men stood up and said. “Zadok Beau Pre you are accusing Daymon Pompadour another royal, of treason, rape and murder of your wife, desecration to your name and the kidnapping of your daughter.” I was in shock, what did he just say? The man's words did not register all the way. “Yes I am” The council man kept talking, “The punishment for this is death, you may proceed. Do all parties understand?” There was a lot of head shaking and I do's.                                                        As soon as the last I do was said, Zadok turned and grabbed Daymon by the neck stood him up and faced him toward some of the council. He faced on men and if looks could kill Daymon would be dead and burning right now! Zadok told the council of his wrong doings with me from the past few days and then proceed to tell of the years and years of suffering he caused. Which I was very stunned to learn. This was not the first time he had killed a human woman because they would not stay. The more things came out, the more I did not like him. Daymon never spoke a word just hung there. Then Zadok turned and with heavy eyes and said, “The truth about Isadora and her mother needs to come out.” I think I saw a tear in his eye. Zadok turned back around and started to tell the story. “Centuries and centuries we all have been trying to figure a way to save our race and without us losing anymore of our families. Some of us just were wanting to have a child of our own, from our own body. Cora had known about our existence for a while. She was very unique.” The way he said that made me think that there was something behind it something more than just “unique“. “I myself had been involved with her. I helped her a while back with some witches that put spells on her brother. She did everything she could to help him and so did I but it was too late. He is now with them and still under a spell if they let him live.”  This was new to me I thought my mom was an only child. ”In return for the help she agreed to bare a child for me. She had no money and this was something we both wanted. We were very fond of each other.                                                                                                                 The first few times she became pregnant she miscarried. Cora took this very hard but each time made her more determined to have a child." My eyes filled with tears listening to my mother's past. "Then Daymon found out about Cora and swept her off her feet. Of course we still had our agreement but I was not bound by her yet. Even though she had my mark, Daymon did not care and pursued her. Even tried a few spells on her.” I heard a few hisses and wondered about the mark. “After a few months she learned of how Daymon truly was and did not want him around and he did not like that. Cora asked for help again. She was scared, he had threatened her life. I had already felt much love for this woman and so agreed to help again. The deal was marriage and to bare a child in return I would keep her safe from him.” His grip on Daymon got a little tighter. I could see Daymon trying not to show it but you could tell he was hurting. ”Things went very well until I got called to take Lucas’s place on the council again. That’s when Daymon found Cora and started to stalk her for the second time. Me and Cora had our marriage bond so I knew when she was upset and when I felt her emotions I came as soon as I could. But it was too late, Daymon had had her. He raped her and drank from her trying to kill her.” As soon as he said that I was horrified. My poor mother and what she went through. I hated Daymon right now. Zadok continued. “Cora was a very strong woman. She recovered fast he had

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