Hurricane Butterfly
he thrusts harder and harder.
    I am his. The words burn into my skin as his thrusts become jerky. My nails dig into his ass as his muscles clench, and he releases himself. He wipes my hair from my clammy face and kisses my forehead, and then the tip of my nose and lastly my mouth, soft and sensual. I can feel his cock jerking inside of me.
    “I wish we could do this every day.” My words come out unrehearsed straight from my heart.
    His arms tighten around me as he playfully tugs at my lip, his eyes glistening black like diamonds. “Me too, baby.”
    When he stops moving inside of me, and we catch our breath, he lifts me up and goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He comes back with a washcloth and cleans me up. We lay with the sheet over us, him on his back, and me with my head on his chest.
    “I like this,” I whisper pressing my lips against his skin.
    He closes his arms around me and holds me tighter. “What do you want to do after you’ve graduated?”
    His question surprises me, as we have not really talked much about anything other than our feelings. I lift my head to look at him, and his eyes meet mine. They are soft grey and calm.
    “I want to teach. That’s my dream.”
    A faint smile brushes his lips. “You’ll make a great teacher.” He takes my hair in his hand and pulls my head back, then leans down and presses his lips on mine.
    I want to know more about him, but he is not very open about his life. Everything I know has either come from Ben or Alice, but I want to hear it from him. I take a deep breath, and then ask the question I know he may not want to answer.
    “Can I ask you something?” I bite down on my lips.
    I feel his hand in my hair, twirling it between his fingers. “Anything baby.”
    “Ben said you’re still trying to bring the guy who you believe helped your sister that night, to justice. Is that true?”
    His fingers stop moving, and his brows knit. I can see his throat moving. Shit, maybe this wasn’t the best time. I open my mouth to apologize, but he stops me.
    “I think Lilly was pregnant when she died.” He swallows hard as a dark cloud passes over his face.
    “Oh my God, Josh, I’m so sorry, that’s terrible!” I lift myself up on my elbow as cold shivers run down my back.
    “He turns his head away from me, looking out onto the ocean. “I found a voice message on his phone from her the night she died. She asked him to come over and help her get rid of it.”
    The cold shivers cling to me followed by a wave of nausea. “What do you mean you found a message on his phone?” I sit up, pulling the covers over my bare chest.
    My heart jumps out of my throat as my phone starts ringing on the bedside table next to me. Shit. I take a deep breath and grab it with the intention to reject the call. “Crap, it’s Alice, I told her I’d catch up for lunch, but I can cancel.”
    He turns his head back, “No please, I want you to go. We’ll talk later baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
    I really want to have this conversation with him. For the first time I feel as if he’s letting me in. I let the call die then lean forward pressing my hand on his chest. “Thank you.”
    He frowns, “For what?”
    “For letting me in. I know it’s hard for you.”
    He looks at me as if he is dissecting every part of my soul. He reaches out and runs his hand down the side of my face, slowly and intimately.
    “I’m sorry, I’ve never done this before, I never thought I would, but I want to, with you.”
    My breath catches in my throat as warm liquid fills my veins. The words in my head are so powerful it scares me to think that I feel this way about him. Is it too soon to tell him how I really feel?
    He lifts his head up, “You can go only if you promise to be back before nine pm.”
    “Why, what’s happening at nine?”
    His pulls me closer, eyes dark and brooding. “Dinner…” sparks shoot from every nerve ending in my body as he reaches up and pulls me on top of

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