Hunter's Moon (Hunter Family Saga; Half-Moon Ranch 1)

keeping his expression carefully benign. He
imagined himself touching her soft skin and running
his hands through her dark hair. There were other
things he wanted to do with her, too, but he put
those lecherous thoughts from him-for now. Iona
was already looking at him strangely, and he didn't
want her to suspect the truth of what he was feeling
for Abby.
    Frustrated, Edmund silently cursed them both.
He excused himself and left the two women, moving
away from the crowd around the dance floor. He
breathed deeply of the evening air as he struggled to
control his anger. He was startled when Dr. Gibbs
stepped out of the shadows before him.
    "Iona is taking laudanum again, isn't she,
Edmund?" he demanded accusingly. "I could see it in
her eyes when I talked to her tonight. I warned you it was dangerous when I prescribed it for her. She was
only supposed to use it temporarily, and now, with
her present problem, there's a risk-"

    "Her present problem?" Edmund countered
    Her drinking."
    "Iona enjoys a glass of sherry now and then, but
her drinking is controlled."
    "Are you that naive?"
    "Believe what you like," Edmund snapped back at
him. "Iona asked me to find a way to get the
medicine for her when you would no longer supply
it. I found it was available through my contacts back
east, so I complied with her request."
    "But I told you-"
    "I don't care what you told me. Iona is satisfied,
and so am I."
    "I'm warning you, Edmund-"
    "Warning me?" A tight smile twisted his mouth.
"What will- you do? Report me to the sheriff?"
    Dr. Gibbs went pale at his words.
    Edmund gave a short, confident laugh. "No, I
don't think you'll be doing that."
    Edmund turned his back on the silent doctor and
moved off to rejoin the crowd.
    "Are you having a good time, dear?" Iona asked
    Abby wasn't enjoying herself at all, but she
couldn't admit that to Iona. It was painful to watch all the girls her age dancing and having fun while she
sat on the sidelines feeling miserable. She had never
been included in their merriment, and she never
expected to be.

    The music has been lively," Abby said, hoping
Iona would not notice that she'd sidestepped her
question. "I believe Mr. Harding has improved his
skills on the fiddle."
    Iona nodded, and they sat in silence watching the


When Iona asked Edmund to dance again, Abby
went to find Brent, She was aware that some of the
people were staring at her and that some of the
women were whispering to each other as she passed
by, but she ignored them. She had more important
things to worry about than what the folks in town
thought about her.
    "Where did Papa go?" Abby asked Brent.
    "I have an idea, but I'm not sure," he
    "I don't understand. I thought he said he was
going to stay here at the dance and visit with his old
    "That didn't work out, so I think he's renewing
his acquaintance with some bottles of liquor down at
the Lone Star. I'll go over there now to check on him. Will you be all right here by yourself for a little

    "Edmund and Iona are here. I'll be fine, but,
    He gave her a questioning look.
    "I hope you're wrong about Papa. I hope he's not
    "So do I, Abby." Brent steeled himself for what
was to come. "If Melinda comes looking for me, tell
her something came up, and I'll be back for you as
soon as I can."
    "I'll give her your message." Abby was tempted
not to tell Melinda. If her brother was finally going
to start courting, she didn't want it to be Melinda.
Granted, the girl was pretty enough, but looks
weren't everything.
    Brent's mood was somber as he headed for the
Lone Star. He remembered how his pa had reacted
to the news that there was no liquor at the ranch.
Brent was positive that he'd find Jack at the saloon
drinking. He just hoped he hadn't gotten into any
    The Lone Star was the best saloon in town. Brent
could hear the sounds of revelry coming from

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