reply.  When they
walked into the line for security, Izzy bumped her.  “See?  Better, right?”
    They had lunch and made plans for Izzy to visit again
alone.  Only when her sister disappeared from view did Brie head back outside
and hail a cab. 
    Her routine was calm and steady.  She didn’t hang out with
her co-workers but she grew close to Camille and a young woman who lived across
the hall with her grandparents.
    She had to promise her mother to attend Mass so they would feel
comfortable staying in Washington for Christmas.  Inclement weather made
cross-country travel difficult for the holiday season and delays were
    It was the first true holiday she’d ever spent alone but
Riya didn’t give her time to feel lonely.  When she wasn’t working or sleeping,
she helped plan her friend’s annual Christmas Eve bash. 
    The night of the party, the penthouse was packed with dozens
of guests.  Most of her friends and family were staying in the short-term
residences on the second floor. 
    Riya and Tawny insisted she have a sleepover the night
before so they could take their time with last minute details and enjoy getting
ready before the first guests arrived. 
    She and Tawny finished wrapping gifts while they encouraged
Riya to relax and have a drink or three.  They laughed their asses off as she
attempted to make sense of nonsensical things. 
    “I’ve never seen anyone get drunk so fast…and so
thoroughly,” Brie snickered.
    “I love it.  Usually I record her idiocy and share it among
our mutual friends.  She’s so fucking perfect sometimes, I don’t have a
    “Tawny, that is just mean …clever, but mean.”
    The redhead shrugged.  “It’s all part of my charm.”
    Eventually, Tawny went in the hall and whistled for the
M’s.  They appeared in sleep pants and tank tops.  Micah’s brow arched. 
“Please tell me you didn’t record her like this… again .”
    “Nah.  Everyone is still laughing from the last time when I
convinced her to try hoola-hooping while intoxicated and she broke every bottle
on your bar cart.”  She shook her head.  “You have to leave them wanting more,
    “I’m not even a little bit drunk.  Not even a little .” 
    Max laughed as he scooped up a limp Riya from the guestroom
bed.  “I know, love.  You are completely sober.  How about you let me carry you
so you don’t fall down the stairs?” 
    “I can walk.  I wouldn’t fall down the stairs because
I’d be going up them.”
    “Then I won’t point out the fact that you’re quite adept at
falling up the stairs.”  Max winked at them and left with his wife in
his arms. 
    From the door, Micah asked, “Can I get you anything before I
turn in?” 
    “We’re set.  Give her the magic potion because we kept
telling her she wasn’t actually drinking.”  Tawny was not remotely ashamed.
    “You are fucking diabolical.”
    “It’s why you lo-o-o-ve me, Micah.  It’s my job to
remind her that she isn’t really a fairy princess.  Otherwise, she’d get
a fat head.  I take my job seriously.”
    Laughing, Micah followed the others upstairs. 
    Tawny listened carefully and gave a nod.  “Coast is clear.  I’m
going for baby cheesecakes.”
    “Aren’t those for the party?” 
    “I’m a party guest, here very early.  Max made them
special with eighty-percent cacao.  Mine.  Be Bonnie to my Clyde and let’s get
a couple of those destroyed.  Almost everything is being catered but those are
here now .” 
    They ended up with Patrón and cheesecakes on a tray between
them on the bed. 
    “I love the relationship you guys have.  You remind me of my
    “She’s totally awesome then…obviously.”  She popped a mini-cheesecake
in her mouth and sighed.  “You know, Riya is the only chick friend I had until
you.  I normally can’t stand women.  You’re like Riya without the halo.”
    Brie couldn’t help the laughter that

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