How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied

How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied by Jess Keating Page A

Book: How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied by Jess Keating Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Keating
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during your last week.”
    The class murmured with excitement.
    â€œYou’re welcome !” Ms. Fenton said, her voice sounding like her usual happy self. I couldn’t help but be jealous of her. She never seemed to have a bad day and didn’t seem to be afraid of being at the front of the room getting attention all day.
    I dropped off my project at the front, as Ms. Fenton sorted them into piles of paintings, sculptures, and mixed media pieces like Bella’s. She gave me a weird look when I handed her mine, but it was probably because she’d recently seen my photocopied butt on a locker somewhere. A niggling feeling followed me back to my desk as I sat down, the dark lines of the charcoal clinging to my mind. Usually when I handed in a project for Ms. Fenton, I felt a charge of satisfaction. Like I’d done something that made even me proud. But this time? Something gross and icky was swirling inside of me.
    Bella looked up at me. “Bad day, huh?”
    I grimaced. “The worst.”
    â€œIs Shep Foster really your granddad?” She didn’t ask in a mean, taunting way. More like she was actually interested.
    No hiding it now. My mouth felt like it was filled with cotton balls. “Yeah. I have to be on TV.”
    Those words did not sound good coming out of my mouth.
    Bella nodded slowly as she put together the pieces. “Ouch.”
    â€œI know, right?”
    We sat there like that for the rest of the hour with our books open, pretending to do some work. But really, we just talked.

    â€œAna, would you mind staying a moment?” Ms. Fenton touched my elbow on the way out of art class. After such a downer day, I couldn’t wait to get home and away from everyone’s prying eyes.
    â€œHmm?” I avoided the stares of other kids as Ms. Fenton lead me to the side of the room, but still managed to catch Bella’s worried eyebrow scrunch as she left.
    â€œI wanted to talk to you for a moment.” Ms. Fenton sat cross-legged on her desk, pulling my poster board toward her. I sat beside her.
    â€œDo you not like it?” The swirls of doubt began to mix in my stomach. I knew something felt off when I handed it in. But I wasn’t sure why. Looking at it now, I wanted to tear it from her hands and throw it in the garbage by the door.
    She shook her head. “It’s not that, Ana. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. You see, it doesn’t feel like it’s you, you know?” She lifted the poster, outlining some of the areas with her fingers. Her eyes were narrowed. “The animals are well done, and I understand your choice to use charcoal, but…” She paused. “You seem so colorful in real life! I understand that animals are a huge part of your life, but the art you’ve made before used to be so vibrant and lively. And the way you’ve drawn yourself here in the corner? So tiny. You’re literally barely in this collage. And who is this way over here?” She touched the second stick figure. “I know you must be feeling weird without Liv around.” She lowered her voice.
    There’s an understatement.
    â€œI guess I want to see that you’re okay. If you’re happy with this, that’s fine. I just wanted to give you another chance. If you wanted it.” She set the poster down again.
    My lungs felt squished, like I couldn’t get in a full breath. I hated the feeling that Ms. Fenton wasn’t happy with my project. Like I was disappointing her. The more I looked at my poster, the less I liked it. Embarrassed tears pricked at my eyes.
    â€œWhat do you think?” she asked, peering over at me. She was smiling, but I could see the concern in her eyes. “Is this really you right now?”
    I shrugged. I wanted to tell her that my true self was a mess right now. That I wasn’t brave no matter what I did, and that my stupid project didn’t matter. But I knew I

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